
2567 search results in English in Erasmus School of History, Culture and Communication


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  • Wheelchair loan
    The Erasmus MC and Woudestein have wheelchairs available for visitors with mobility difficulties. Would you like to book a wheelchair, or more information on…
  • The cultural non-visitor
    Koen van Eijck and Evert Bisschop-Boele studied the phenomenon of the cultural non-visitor for the Dutch Government. Read more about the report they wrote about
  • Tuition fee exemption
    Tuition fee exemption is a one-time exemption from the tuition fee during the board membership year of full time board members of student associations and the U
  • The number of months of student representative grant for each student organisation
    The number of months of student representative grant for each student organisation. Student societies, faculty and study organisations, student sports and other
  • Residence permit
    What is a Dutch student residence permit?
  • Entry visa + residence permit
    entry visa for non eu students
  • The Netherlands and Germany, 1870-2000: economic interdependence versus sovereignty, 1870-2000
    Aims of the research project It is the objective of the research project ‘The Netherlands and Germany 1870-2000. Economic interdependence versus sovereignty’,
  • The Dutch Big Four and Germany
    Visit this page to learn more about the research project ''The Dutch Big Four and Germany'' of the Erasmus Centre for the History of the Rhine.
  • Outport and Hinterland. Rotterdam Business and the Ruhr, 1870-2000
    Prof. Hein Klemann and Dr Ben Wubs A century and a half of economic interdependence For more than a century there was a close link between the German and
  • Maasvlakte II: from vision to reality (1993-2008)
    Visit this page to learn more about the research project ''Maasvlakte II: from vision to reality'' of the Erasmus Centre for the History of the Rhine.

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