Amanda Brandellero – Project Leader
Amanda Brandellero is Associate Professor at Erasmus School of History, Culture and Communication.
Amanda Brandellero is Associate Professor at the department of Arts and Culture Studies, at Erasmus University Rotterdam. In 2019, she was awarded an NWO Vidi grant for her project Crafting Future Urban Economies. Her current research focuses on making and crafts in post-industrial settings, exploring their contribution to more sustainable and just urban economies. With a background in economic geography and cultural sociology, Amanda has researched the embeddedness of cultural and creative industries in place, attending to questions of diversity and globalisation. Amanda holds an MSc and BA from the London School of Economics and has worked in Brussels as representative of London’s local authorities on European affairs. Amanda is one of the founding members of the Leiden-Delft-Erasmus Port City Futures research programme.
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Olga Vincent - PhD
Olga Vincent is a PhD researcher on the NWO-funded VIDI project Crafting Future Urban Economies at Erasmus University Rotterdam. Her current research focuses on making practices in contemporary urban economies and their potential to facilitate sustainability transformation beyond capitalism. Olga has an interdisciplinary background in economic, sustainability, and communication sciences. In 2018, Olga graduated from the MSc in Sustainability Science and Policy at Maastricht University. Before that, Olga worked for five years as a journalist covering socio-economic issues of national interest.
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Emanuela Naclerio
Emanuela Naclerio is Postdoc Researcher on the NWO-funded VIDI project Crafting Future Urban Economies at Erasmus University Rotterdam. Her current research considers micro-entrepreneurs in sustainable craft, focusing on issues of work, identity and production in France and Italy. In 2022, she received her PhD in Sociology and Methodology of Social Research from University of Milan and University of Turin. In her thesis, she explored the experiences of young performing artists in the city of Milan in relation with processes of individualization, precarisation and aestheticization of work. In 2021 she was PhD visiting scholar at Goldsmiths University London. Emanuela’s research interests look at the intersection between work, gender and subjectivities from a perspective that takes into account social theory, cultural sociology and cultural studies.