
2571 search results in English in Erasmus School of History, Culture and Communication


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  • About EUCC
    Erasmus University China Centre(EUCC) 荷兰鹿特丹伊拉斯姆斯大学中国中心 The EUCC is part of Erasmus University Rotterdam which has a proven track record regarding: •   …
  • Elective courses
    As a student, you can take an elective at another degree programme or another university.
  • Art and Culture
    Are you curious about the cultural programme of Studium Generale, or the art collection of Erasmus University Rotterdam? Read more about art and culture.
  • Sport, Migration, Citizenship, ‘Race’ and National Identity: Towards a new research agenda
    Expert-meeting organised by Erasmus University Rotterdam, Posthumus Institute, the Sport and Nation network and the Football and Race network.
  • Exchange
    Exchange information for ESHCC/M&C students.
  • IBCoM Lustrum Event
    The IBCoM Lustrum Event will take place on Friday 4 October 2019. We welcome all IBCoM alumni to join our event for an afternoon of updating your knowledge and
  • Fiscal Crisis, Revolution, Fiscal Reform, War:
    International conference in Rotterdam 25-27 June 2020 Link Call for papers …
  • Cookies
    The Erasmus University Rotterdam (EUR) website uses cookies.
  • Re-Frame Fashion – Innovation in Fashion Education
    Event impression and media color-2 Impressions of the day …
  • Locations
    Smoking is no longer permitted at all Erasmus University Rotterdam locations. Click here for more information about a smoke-free campus.

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