Welcome new students

Useful information for the beginning of your studies
ESHCC students walking over campus

A warm welcome to ESHCC!

Thank you for applying to one of our study programmes and welcome to the Erasmus School of History, Culture, and Communication! We are very glad to welcome you to our faculty and cannot wait to see you in person. On this website you can find some practical information that is useful to know before starting your studies at our school. This includes important information about your introduction week, so take your time to read this carefully.

Underneath here you can find practical information that might be relevant for you. Below that are three buttons which will navigate you to the department page of your study programme with additional practical information. Continue reading after that as we will explain the introduction week. Do you have any questions? Find our contact information at the bottom of this page.

International students have several opportunities to arrange practical matters on campus at the One Stop Shop. Also check out the pick-up service from Schiphol Airport. Additionally, you can follow Dutch courses, take part in the ESN Introduction Days, take bicycle lessons, request IKEA service, or find help with housing. You can find all information about this on this page.

Students who hold a non-EEA passport, will receive information about immigration from our Immigration Desk in May or early June.

For other practical information for international students, please visit this page.

First things first: student housing in the Netherlands is not arranged for you by the university; it is your own responsibility. This unfortunately means that you may not be able to find a place directly (in the area you would like). We have made arrangements with some housing platforms, but housing is still limited. We strongly recommend you start looking as soon as possible to avoid stress and disappointment. Please find an overview of the options on the housing website of EUR.

You will start your classes in the first week of September. For the complete academic calendar and the timetables (including exam dates), please visit the timetables website. Via the ‘help’ button on this page you can find a manual on how the timetables work. Check your timetable carefully, and at least one week before the start of the academic year. 

Please note that the timetables will not be available and up-to-date until shortly before the start of the academic year. So it’s possible that you don’t see anything yet when you’re checking your schedule.

With your ERNA account from the EUR, you can log in to your portal at MyEUR. We expect you to check this portal at least twice a week to keep yourself up to date about study related information. We recommend you to have this page as your homepage of your browser. You can use the settings of your browser to arrange this.

The compulsory literature can be found in the online Course Catalogue. Use the course code of the course you want to look up and paste it into the search bar.

All information about health and healthcare in the Netherlands can be found on this website

International Faculty Association ACE is the Faculty Association of the Erasmus School of History, Culture and Communication (ESHCC). Its main goals are to organise social, career and study related activities for the ESHCC students, broadening the students’ perspectives and making them feel at home within our faculty. Read more about it here.

ESHCC introduction week 

As part of the start of your time here as a student, the faculty organizes an introduction week for new students of all programmes. This will consist of a plenary introduction to the study programme, a campus tour, social events, and getting familiar with the ESHCC staff and systems. Bachelor students will also partake in activities organized by the mentors.

Freshers Experience Day 2024 (only for bachelor students)

On Wednesday 28 August 2024, during the official ESHCC introduction week, bachelor students will have the chance to attend the annual Freshers Experience Day! During this day you will work together in a team to obtain points by completing different activities. These activities consists of light-physical games such as volleyball or tug-of-war, but also social teambuilding activities and puzzle games. It’s the perfect chance to get to know your fellow students and build your first friendships! Each team consists of only students from the same study programme, so attending the Freshers Experience Day will give you a head start in getting to know your fellow classmates. After the activities there will be a grand finale game, followed by dinner and a party. 

All in all, this is something you do not want to miss! From experience we know that this is the day you will make memories that last a lifetime. Last year the Freshers Experience Day sold out quickly, so make sure to get your tickets on time! Tickets are only €19,95 and include: access to all activities and the closing party, four drink tokens for alcohol and sodas, and dinner. Get your ticket now as we only have a limited number of available spots! We will close the registrations once we have reached the maximum capacity.

Practical information
Date and time: 28 August 14:00-23:00 
Location: R.S.V. Antibarbari (located next to our university campus)



For practical and administrative questions about your study programme:

Yara de KwaastenietIBCoMibcomstudents@eshcc.eur.nlRequest an appointment by e-mailM8-34
Mirjam KnegtmansBachelor and (pre)master Arts and Culture Studiesacsstudents@eshcc.eur.nlRequest an appointment by e-mailM7-21
Leontine HulzinkBachelor and (pre)master Historyhistorystudents@eshcc.eur.nlRequest an appointment by e-mailM6-35
Simona ŠimkutėGLOCAL, RASL, SCMA, MAGMaglocal@eshcc.eur.nl, rasl@eshcc.eur.nl, researchmaster@eshcc.eur.nl, magma@eshcc.eur.nlRequest an appointment by e-mailM8-36
Vera Dullemond(Pre)master Media Studiesmediastudies@eshcc.eur.nlRequest an appointment by e-mailM8-34

For specific questions and advice regarding the study programme, study planning, personal circumstances, or studying with a functional impairment etc., you can contact the student advisor:

Eveline StokerIBCoMstudentadvisor.ibcom@eshcc.eur.nlRequest an appointment by e-mail
Ingrid WesselinkBachelor Arts and Culture Studiesstudentadvisor.acs@eshcc.eur.nlRequest an appointment by e-mail
Mark te BraakeBachelor Historystudentadvisor.his@eshcc.eur.nlRequest an appointment by e-mail
Ruben van GaalenAll ESHCC (pre)mastersstudentadvisor.master@eshcc.eur.nlRequest an appointment by e-mail

For questions related to your student experience such as events, workshops, introduction week, Bootcamp, and the mentor programmes, you can contact the ESHCC Student Experience Officer:

Simona ŠimkutėAll programmesstudentexperience@eshcc.eur.nlRequest an appointment by e-mailM7-44

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