Research traineeship
In the last term of their first year, each research master student participates in one of the staff members’ research projects or in an external research project in which a staff member is involved as an advisor. This research traineeship provides you with hands-on experience in some of the most vital research activities: Writing a research proposal, doing the actual research and data analysis, and writing it all up in a clear and coherent research paper or report.
Elective courses at a national research school
Our research master students are also expected to take one or more elective courses at the Netherlands Research School for Media Studies (RMeS) or another national research school in the field.
The Netherlands Research School for Media Studies (RMeS) is a national network of academic experts in the field of media research, bringing together scholars and students from the universities of Amsterdam, Groningen, Maastricht, Rotterdam and Utrecht. The school aims to provide excellent, state of the art education in Media Studies to PhD candidates and research master students. It also offers students a unique opportunity to develop and grow their network in academia.
Conference participation
In their second year, our research master students are required to participate in an international conference as part of their programme. This gives them a unique opportunity to present their research and to discuss their research plans with established and emerging international scholars, PhD students and other interested parties, while also enabling them to extend their academic network.
International exchange
Last but not least, our students go on an exchange to one of our international partner universities in their second year. This is an integral part of our programme because it offers our students the chance to broaden their academic horizon and get first-hand experience with the educational system and research environment of a foreign university. Such international experience has proven to be not only intellectually very enriching, but also to be highly beneficial to our graduates’ future careers.
Aside from all the academic and educational benefits, going on exchange is of course a great way to get to know new people, and to prove to yourself that you are capable of adapting to a completely new environment.”