During your study

Arts, Culture & Society
Pre-master Arts, Culture & Society student

Developing academic and research skills

During the pre-master, you will be educated as an academic professional. You will familiarise yourself with essential academic skills such as argumentation, using sources and academic writing. 

The second term focuses on improving your qualitative and quantitative research skills; you learn how to set-up a research project, conduct analyses, and report your findings. At the end of the pre-master year, you can put your newly gained research skills and knowledge to good use when you write your final paper. You will then be appropriately prepared for the Master specialisation Arts, Culture and Society.

Small-scale, but international

During the pre-master you will work in small groups with international students from all over the world. You have direct contact with the tutorial teachers, who will help you during your preparation for your master’s degree. This small-scale approach and, at the same time, international character make the pre-master Arts, Culture and Society a personal and diverse stepping stone to the master specialisation.

Personal guidance

Within the pre-master Arts, Culture & Society, we value personal attention and guidance. For specific questions and advice regarding the study programme, study planning, personal circumstances, studying with a functional impairment etcetera, you can contact our student advisors, on a confidential basis.

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