Extension residence permit

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Are you aware that residence permits for the purpose of study are issued for a specific period of time? The expiry date is on the front, in Dutch: ‘geldig tot’.

If you are continuing to study in the Netherlands after the expiry date of your study residence permit, then you need to extend your residence permit. Applications for residence permit extensions can only be submitted to the Dutch Immigration and Naturalisation Service (IND) through Erasmus University Rotterdam (EUR). 

It is your own responsibility to start the application process in time. Failing to do so might have severe consequences for your ability to stay in the Netherlands! You are strongly advised to start the application process two months before your current permit expires. Make sure your registration at EUR is fully completed before you start your application.

The deadline for submitting your application for an extension is one month before your residence permit expires.

Obligations and conditions

Be aware: obligations for residence permit holders.

As a resident permit holder with the purpose study you must meet the requirements to remain entitled to your residence permit at all time. The requirements remain in place, also when you apply for an extension. It is your own responsibility to meet the requirements when you apply for an extension. Failing to meet the obligations will lead us to inform the Dutch Immigration Department (IND), in accordance with the Code of Conduct: International Students in Higher Education. This can even happen after your extension has been approved and it comes to our attention you do/did not meet the obligations.

Conditions and obligations residence permit (extension)

  1. active enrollment at the EUR, payment of your tuition fee
  2. registration at the municipality
  3. sufficient study credits per academic year
  4. sufficient financial means, payment of the immigration fee
  5. (home) insurance covering your stay in the Netherlands


  • Pay the immigration fees of € 243 and living fees by transferring it to the bank account of Erasmus University Rotterdam. Be sure to keep your proof of payment or a print screen of your online bank transfer – you need to upload it when submitting your application. If you were studying at EUR before, you can submit a declaration of income.
  • Pay your tuition fee before you submit your immigration case. 
  • Upload all the required documents for an extension in Osiris Student. In Osiris Student, go to ‘My Cases’ and click on ‘Changes to permit’. Then select ‘Extension residence permit’.
  • Team Immigration (EUR) checks all information and documentation. If additional information is required, we will contact you.
  • If the information and documents are correct, Team Immigration (EUR) will forward your application to the IND on your behalf. Keep in mind that Team Immigration (EUR) cannot speed up the process at the IND, and cannot be held responsible for any residence gaps that may occur if you fail to submit your application in time. You will receive a confirmation by email when the application has been forwarded to the IND. The processing time of applications usually takes 2 months. 
  • Once the IND informs us that your application has been approved, you will receive another notification by email to update your biometric data. The IND will then proceed to issue your new residence permit card.
  • When your new residence permit card is ready to be picked up at the IND front office, we will send you another notification. Please note that this can take two to four weeks after your application has been approved by the IND.


If you come across any problems or have any questions, you can always email immigration@eur.nl.

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