Change of purpose

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Are you registered as a full-time EUR student, and you have a valid Dutch residence permit for another purpose than study (e.g. work permit or partner unification)? And is your current residence permit expiring soon? Then you can apply for a change of purpose to change your permit into a student residence permit. 

Applications for a change of purpose of your residence permit can only be submitted to the Dutch Immigration and Naturalisation Service (IND) through Erasmus University Rotterdam (EUR). 

It is your own responsibility to make the necessary arrangements for the change of your residence permit in time. Failing to do so might have severe consequences for your ability to stay in the Netherlands! You are strongly advised to start the application process one month before your current residence permit expires. Make sure your registration at EUR is fully completed before you start your application.

Some examples:

  • You have a work/orientation year permit that will come to an end within one month.
  • You have got a residence permit for stay with your spouse and you are divorced. Or you and your partner or registered partner have split up and you are no longer living together.
  • You have got a residence permit for stay with your parents, but your parents have returned to their home country.
  • If your current permit will no longer be valid at the start of your study program (1st of September).

  • Pay the immigration fees of € 243 and living fees by transferring it to the bank account of Erasmus University Rotterdam. Be sure to keep your proof of payment or a print screen of your online bank transfer – you need to upload it when submitting your application.
  • Pay your tuition fee before you submit your immigration case.
  • Upload all the required documents for a change of purpose in Osiris Student. In Osiris Student, go to ‘My Cases’ and click on ‘Changes to permit’. Then select ‘Change of Purpose’.
  • Team Immigration (EUR) checks all information and documentation. If additional information is required, we will contact you.
  • If the information and documents are correct, we will submit an application for a change of purpose to the IND on your behalf. You will receive a confirmation by email when the application has been forwarded to the IND. The processing time usually takes 2 months.
  • Once the IND informs us that your application has been approved, you will receive a notification by email. The IND will then proceed to issue your new residence permit card. Since the IND needs your biometrical details to issue your residence permit, you will have to visit the IND office for your biometrics first.
  • When your new residence permit card is ready to be picked up at the IND front office, we will send you another notification. Please note that this can take two to four weeks after your application has been approved.

If you come across any problems or have any questions, you can always email

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