Advice & counselling

When you need support

If you need support or advice regarding the content of your study programme, please contact your own faculty study advisor. If you have questions about non-study related matters, you can contact Advice & Counselling. For example, you can contact us if you are confronted with:

Student Support can also help you with various other issues. Take a look at the pages below to see which other services we offer. Moreover, you will find useful tips and tricks below regarding effective studying and your wellbeing. If you need further help after reading this page, please use the relevant pages to schedule an appointment with a student psychologist, student counsellor or career advisor.

Training sessions and groups

As well as individual support, Student Support also offers various training sessions and groups, including examination anxiety training, an improving study habits group, CV checks, support in applying for jobs and much more. For more information please check out our workshop schedule and calendar on MyEUR.

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