I use behavioral experiments, surveys, and computational models to study people's beliefs. I am interested in both beliefs about ourselves and beliefs about the world around us. My work focuses on understanding how beliefs shape what we do (and don't), how the world around us shapes beliefs, and how to best measure beliefs.
I received my Ph.D. in Economics from University Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne, where I worked under the supervision of Vincent de Gardelle and Jean-Christophe Vergnaud.
More information
- Marine Hainguerlot, Thibault Gajdos, Jean Christophe Vergnaud & Vincent de Gardelle (2023) - How Overconfidence Bias Influences Suboptimality in Perceptual Decision Making - Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance, 49 (4), 537-548 - doi: 10.1037/xhp0001091 - [link]
- Camille Dorin, Marine Hainguerlot, Hélène Huber-Yahi, Jean-Christophe Vergnaud & Vincent de Gardelle (2021) - How economic success shapes redistribution: The role of self-serving beliefs, in-group bias and justice principles - Judgment and Decision Making, 16 (4), 932-949 - [link]
- D Rahnev, K Desender, ALF Lee, WT Adler, D Aguilar-Lleyda, B Akdogan, P Arbuzova, LY Atlas, F Balci, JW Bang, I Bègue, DP Birney, TF Brady, J Calder-Travis, A Chetverikov, TK Clark, K Davranche, RN Denison, TC Dildine, KS Double, YA Duyan, N Faivre, K Fallow, E Filevich, T Gajdos, RM Gallagher, V de Gardelle, S Gherman, N Haddara, Marine Hainguerlot, T-Y Hsu, X Hu, I Iturrate, M Jaquiery, J Kantner, M Koculak, M Konishi, C Koß, PD Kvam, SC Kwok, M Lebreton, KM Lempert, CM Lo, L Luo, B Maniscalco, A Martin, S Massoni, J Matthews, A Mazancieux, DM Merfeld, D O’Hora, ER Palser, B Paulewicz, M Pereira, C Peters, MG Philiastides, G Pfuhl, F Prieto, M Rausch, S Recht, G Reyes, M Rouault, J Sackur, S Sadeghi, J Samaha, TXF Seow, M Shekhar, MT Sherman, M Siedlecka, Z Skóra, C Song, D Soto, S Sun, JJA van Boxtel, S Wang, CT Weidemann, G Weindel, M Wierzchon, X Xu, Q Ye, J Yeon, F Zou & A Zylberberg (2020) - The Confidence Database - Nature Human Behaviour, 4, 317-325 - doi: 10.1038/s41562-019-0813-1 - [link]
- Thibault Gajdos, Isabelle Régner, Pascal Huguet, Marine Hainguerlot, Jean-Christophe Vergnaud, Jérôme Sackur & Vincent de Gardelle (2019) - Does social context impact metacognition? Evidence from stereotype threat in a visual search task - PLoS One (online), 14 (4) - doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0215050 - [link]
- Marine Hainguerlot, Jean-Christophe Vergnaud & Vincent de Gardelle (2018) - Metacognitive ability predicts learning cue-stimulus associations in the absence of external feedback - Scientific Reports, 8 - doi: 10.1038/s41598-018-23936-9 - [link]
Behavioural Economics
- Year Level
- bachelor 3, bachelor 3, bachelor 3, bachelor 3