Interview with Milena

What our students say
The Erasmus University, Rotterdam Campus

My name is Milena, I’m 20 years old and I’m originally from São Paulo, Brazil.I am currently in my last year of the International Bachelor Economics and Business Economics (IBEB)

Why did you choose this study programme?

I’ve always really enjoyed subjects within humanities, but also knew I wanted to do something that involved Math. That’s why I wanted to study economics since it combined those two academic disciplines. I did the International Baccalaureate during high school and also found an interest in business, so I was looking for a study programme that implemented business concepts.

Since I had an idea of which types of programmes I was interested in, the next step was to choose a university that offered what I was looking for. I chose for the IBEB programme because of three main reasons.

First, Erasmus is highly recognized in the field of Economics due to the alumni that have graduated from the university and the professors who teach in it. Second, the university programmewas regarded as challenging and academically rigorous and I knew that that experience would make me a better thinker and student. Lastly, the programme includes subjects from various fields within Economics and so I knew that I would get the opportunity to determine which subject and career path I would want to pursue after my bachelor’s.

What is your favorite subject and/or favorite teacher?

My favorite subjects were the ones that I got to choose during my third year. I chose a Major in Policy Economics and so that gave me the chance to follow the subjects of “Labor Economics” and “Political Economics”. I really enjoyed Labor Economics because it tackled various topics within the subject and provided an overview of what Labor Economics really meant in practice. Furthermore, my favorite teachers were the ones who taught Labor Economics, namely Jan van Ours and Olivier Marie. Both professors are well-known and renowned economists and provided us with a very clear and structured course. What I enjoyed most about both professors were their humble and down to earth attitude during discussions which made students feel comfortable to ask follow-up questions.

What is the most interesting thing you learned so far?

The most interesting thing that I have learned so far was during the Policy Economics Major Course called Welfare Analysis and Economic Policy. The subject was taught by Dutch economist Bas Jacobs, who is well-known in the field of policy economics. Due to his vast practical experience with policy economics he showed us diverse case studies in addition to his own work, to teach us how we can check if politicians behave according to their stated ethical values. Furthermore, paired with the subject of Political Economics, I have learnt what role economists play within the political arena.

What is your favorite study-break spot on campus?

My go-to study-break spot is probably the gym on campus called “Erasmus Sport”. That’s probably the biggest perk of having a gym on campus; it’s really time efficient. Erasmus Sport also offers different classes you can follow if you have a gym pass which includes yoga, Zumba and kickboxing, so they offer great moments to recharge between studying.

Related education
This international programme gives you an extensive understanding of worldwide issues related to economics and business economics.
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