Economics of Sustainability

MSc Economics and Business
Student smiling with a closed smile at the camera

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Master in Economics of Sustainability: Focus on sustainable development and how economic systems and policies can support Sustainable Development Goals.

Key Facts & Figures

Mode of study
Instruction language
1 year
Study points (EC)
Start date
Application Deadline (EEA)
1 May
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The study programme in a nutshell

This programme introduces students to what sustainable development is and how economic systems can both support and hinder the Sustainable Development Goals. It is unique because it offers a multi-perspective approach and combines scientific and practical knowledge. By combining the expertise of many Erasmus School of Economics’ high-level researchers, representing a wide set of economic specialisations, the school provides you with the knowledge and skills to understand the complexity behind the SDGs. And as we work with external stakeholders like several ministries and Clingendael, this knowledge is directly applied to real world cases like climate change, migration, health ageing and inequality.

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Career opportunities after graduation

You will gain the expertise and skills to develop, implement, analyse, and evaluate economic policies in relation to sustainable development challenges. This expertise can be used in a multitude of roles within companies, NGOs and governmental institutions. 

This could be your future

What do our students think?

Quote from our students

The Impact Case is the most useful and fun project I have worked on at the EUR. The project allowed me to build practical skills and gave us an insight into the politics within stakeholder networks.
The Impact Case is the most useful and fun project I have worked on at the EUR. The project allowed me to build practical skills and gave us an insight into the politics within stakeholder networks.

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