Start the Academic Year with the Rotterdam Global Health Initiative (RGHI)

Global health work across the Erasmus University Rotterdam
Campus Woudestein

The Rotterdam Global Health Initiative (RGHI) will celebrate the beginning of the academic year on Tuesday 12 September on campus Woudestein.

Date and time

Tuesday 12 September from 9:30 to 13:15
Room J7-55 (Bayle Building, Woudenstein Campus)

Keynote speaker

Anna Vassal smiling for the camera
Anna Vassall

The keynote speech will be given by Anna Vassall, Professor of Health Economics at The London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine and Director of the Amsterdam Institute for Global Health & Development.

Presentations by members of the RGHI

This will be followed by four presentations from members of the RGHI affiliated institutes and an interactive poster market for early career researchers.

Interactive Poster Market

We invite all early researchers (MSc, PhD and Post-doc) working on Global Health (research, teaching, field work experiences) to participate in the poster market presentations. Those interested should submit a title and abstract of maximum 300 words using this call for abstracts form before 16 August.

Please note: spaces are limited, early researchers will be informed about their participation within a week after the deadline.

Best Poster Award

An award will be given to the best poster selected by a jury of global health experts.

Part of the EUR Research Initiative

More information about the Rotterdam Global Health Initiative, visit the EUR page.

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