Research Workshop in Microeconometrics and Network Analysis

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On Friday 11 November the Econometric Institute will organise a Research Workshop on Microeconometrics and Network Analysis with Professor Stéphane Bonhomme  as keynote speaker. Other confirmed presenters include Iván Fernández‐Val, Arturas Juodis, Guido Kuersteiner, Áuero de Paula, and Julia Schaumburg.

Stéphane Bonhomme (keynote speaker)
Friday 11 Nov 2022, 09:00 - 17:00
Spoken Language
M1-17 Tokyo
Van der Goot Building
Campus Woudestein
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This workshop follows the Tinbergen Econometrics Lectures 2022, which will be given by Professor Bonhomme on the Wednesday and Thursday preceding the workshop.


09:00-09:05Opening remarks 
09:05-10:00Relaxing strict exogeneity in nonlinear panel data modelsStephane Bonhomme (University of Chicago)
10:00-10:30Coffee break 
10:30-11:30Identifying Network Ties from Panel Data: Theory and an Application to Tax Competition    Auero de Paula (UCL)
11:30-12:30Efficient peer effects estimators with group effectsGuido Kuersteiner (University of Maryland)
14:00-15:00Vector autoregressions with dynamic factor coefficients and conditionally heteroskedastic errorsJulia Schaumburg (Free University Amsterdam)
15:00-16:00Dynamic heterogeneous distribution regression panel models, with an application to labor income processes  Ivan Fernandez-Val (Boston University)
16:00-16:30Coffee break 
16:30-17:30This shock is different: Estimation and inference in misspecified two-way fixed effects panel regressionsArturas Juodis (University of Amsterdam)


Participation is free of charge but registration is required.


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More information

Econometric Institute, phone: +31 (0)10 408 12 59/ 12 64, Email:

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