Beyond Arbitrage: Deviations from Risk-Return

EI seminar

Differences in expected returns reflect and guide investment decisions in the economy. Thus, one often wants to explain differences in expected return without assuming a specific model of the economy. We propose two tests to assess whether risk alone can explain differences in expected returns.

Benjamin Holcblat
Thursday 23 May 2024, 12:00 - 13:00
E Building
Campus Woudestein
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We provide the tests with equilibrium foundations that hold within a large class of models. We study tests' properties mathematically and in simulations. Empirically, we find that risk cannot explain most differences in expected returns of characteristic-sorted portfolios. Our findings are consistent with a prominent role of frictions and behavioral biases.


You can sign up for this seminar by sending an email to The lunch will be provided (vegetarian option included).


See also

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