Study associations (and introduction activities)

International Day

A study association takes care of academic, recruitment and social events. So they can help you to get more insight on several topics, or help you with finding an internship or even a job. They also organise social events There you can meet new people. Most study associations also offer special introduction activities varying form introduction weekends, to freshman trips and drinks.

You can find out more about your study association by clicking on your study programme.


FAECTOR is the official school association of Erasmus School of Economics and with over 2200 members we are the largest and most prestigious association for students studying econometrics worldwide.

We enrich the student experience of all econometricians in the broadest sense of the word. We achieve this through our three pillars: Social, Education and Career.

Introduction Activities

Every year, FAECTOR organises introduction camps for the new econometric students to get to know each other before the academic year starts. During an introduction camp you will be able to get acquainted with fellow students through fun bonding activities, get to know FAECTOR and the study of Econometrics in general!

There are two separate camps, PINKWIN for students starting with the Dutch Bachelor Econometrie en Operationele Research and PENGUIN for students starting with either Bachelor Econometrics and Operations Research or Double Degree Econometrics and Economics

iBuddy Programme

Moreover, do we organise the iBuddy Programme to help the new international students. This programme will assign you to a higher year Econometrics or BSc² student, who can answer any questions you may have about the University, Rotterdam, housing and more. Besides, you can take part in an iBuddy drink at the end of the summer already. Learn more about the iBuddy Programme.

Learn more about FAECTOR

In Duplo

In Duplo is the official study association for students who follow the double programme Economics & Law (or Law & Business Administration). It is also the association for students who combine the International Bachelor of Economics and Business Economics (IBEB) with Law. Throughout the year they organise a multitude of activities for their members, both formal and informal. During the ESE Take-Off for Economics and Law students, you will get to know In Duplo. Later on the day there will also be a social activity to get to know your fellow students. As a double student you can become a member of In Duplo and maybe even join one of the committees.

Introduction Activities

In Duplo will organise several social activities in the first month of the academic year. This will be a great opportunity to meet your fellow first-year double students. The Kickstart day will be filled with educational activities, through which you will gain the necessary skills and tricks to make a flying start to your academic year. You can also join one of the two freshmen weekends to a foreign city which will be organised in the fall. These weekends will provide ample opportunity to make new friends and to find out what In Duplo has to offer its members.

Learn more about In Duplo

Economische Faculteitsvereniging Rotterdam (EFR)

The Economic Faculty association Rotterdam (EFR) is one of the most active and most professional study associations in the Netherlands. In your first years of study EFR will provide books and summaries for your courses, organise monthly drinks and take you on a ski- or studytrip. In later years we also offer recruitment opportunities through the Master Career Week and through Erasmus Recruitment, Europe's largest on-campus recruitment event. 

All of these events are organised by over 200 committee members. Becoming a committee member is a great opportunity to make new friends and gain professional experience and is open for all members of EFR. 

Learn more about EFR


FAECTOR is the official school association of Erasmus School of Economics and with over 2200 members we are the largest and most prestigious association for students studying econometrics worldwide.

We enrich the student experience of all econometricians in the broadest sense of the word. We achieve this through our three pillars: Social, Education and Career.

Introduction Activities

Every year, FAECTOR organises introduction camps for the new econometric students to get to know each other before the academic year starts. During an introduction camp you will be able to get acquainted with fellow students through fun bonding activities, get to know FAECTOR and the study of Econometrics in general!

There are two separate camps, PINKWIN for students starting with the Dutch Bachelor Econometrie en Operationele Research and PENGUIN for students starting with either Bachelor Econometrics and Operations Research or Double Degree Econometrics and Economics.

iBuddy Programme

Moreover, do we organise the iBuddy Programme to help the new international students. This programme will assign you to a higher year Econometrics or BSc² student, who can answer any questions you may have about the University, Rotterdam, housing and more. Besides, you can take part in an iBuddy drink at the end of the summer already. Learn more about the iBuddy Programme.

Learn more about FAECTOR

Economische Faculteitsvereniging Rotterdam (EFR)

The Economic Faculty association Rotterdam (EFR) is one of the most active and most professional study associations in the Netherlands. In your first years of study EFR will provide books and summaries for your courses, organise monthly drinks and take you on a ski- or studytrip. In later years we also offer recruitment opportunities through the Master Career Week and through Erasmus Recruitment, Europe's largest on-campus recruitment event. 

All of these events are organised by over 200 committee members. Becoming a committee member is a great opportunity to make new friends and gain professional experience and is open for all members of EFR. 

Learn more about EFR

Christiaanse Taxateur

R.F.V. Christiaanse-Taxateur (CT) is the recognized study association of Erasmus School of Economics for the study of Tax Economics (Fiscale Economie). Throughout the academic year, CT organizes various events, both formal and informal, such as the Tax Business Day, Tax Jurisprudence Program, study trip, inhouse days, sport activities and monthly social drinks. In addition, CT provides exam trainings for the tax subjects and sells study books with a discount.

All students of the bachelor and master degrees in tax economics ánd tax law are more than welcome to join these events. CT aims to establish a link between theory and practice, bridge the gap between student life and the business sector, and to bring students from tax economics and tax law together. Christiaanse-Taxateur is the largest and most prestigious tax study association in the Netherlands, with approximately 900 members and 12 different committees. As a tax economics student, you can become a member of CT and even join one of our committees.

Learn more about Christiaanse Taxateur

Economische Faculteitsvereniging Rotterdam (EFR)

The Economic Faculty association Rotterdam (EFR) is one of the most active and most professional study associations in the Netherlands. In your first years of study EFR will provide books and summaries for your courses, organise monthly drinks and take you on a ski- or studytrip. In later years we also offer recruitment opportunities through the Master Career Week and through Erasmus Recruitment, Europe's largest on-campus recruitment event. 

All of these events are organised by over 200 committee members. Becoming a committee member is a great opportunity to make new friends and gain professional experience and is open for all members of EFR. 

Learn more about EFR


FAECTOR is the official school association of Erasmus School of Economics and with over 2200 members we are the largest and most prestigious association for students studying econometrics worldwide.

We enrich the student experience of all econometricians in the broadest sense of the word. We achieve this through our three pillars: Social, Education and Career.

Introduction Activities

Every year, FAECTOR organises introduction camps for the new econometric students to get to know each other before the academic year starts. During an introduction camp you will be able to get acquainted with fellow students through fun bonding activities, get to know FAECTOR and the study of Econometrics in general!

There are two separate camps, PINKWIN for students starting with the Dutch Bachelor Econometrie en Operationele Research and PENGUIN for students starting with either Bachelor Econometrics and Operations Research or Double Degree Econometrics and Economics

iBuddy Programme

Moreover, do we organise the iBuddy Programme to help the new international students. This programme will assign you to a higher year Econometrics or BSc² student, who can answer any questions you may have about the University, Rotterdam, housing and more. Besides, you can take part in an iBuddy drink at the end of the summer already. Learn more about the iBuddy Programme.

Learn more about FAECTOR

Economische Faculteitsvereniging Rotterdam (EFR)

The Economic Faculty association Rotterdam (EFR) is one of the most active and most professional study associations in the Netherlands. In your first years of study EFR will provide books and summaries for your courses, organise monthly drinks and take you on a ski- or studytrip. In later years we also offer recruitment opportunities through the Master Career Week and through Erasmus Recruitment, Europe's largest on-campus recruitment event. 

All of these events are organised by over 200 committee members. Becoming a committee member is a great opportunity to make new friends and gain professional experience and is open for all members of EFR. 

Learn more about EFR

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