Students with a HBO diploma - Pre-master requirements

On this page you can find all the  admission requirements for one of our pre-master programmes at Erasmus School of Economics for students with a Dutch HBO diploma.

  • A pre-master programme closes the gap between your HBO degree and a master's degree programme of a research university. During the pre-master programme you will strengthen and deepen your knowledge.
  • A pre-master programme has a duration of one academic year. The master programmes of Erasmus School of Economics take one (full time) year. All programmes start in September.
  • A pre-master programme must be completed within two years in order to be admissible to the subsequent master's degree programme
    *Please note: Students holding a Dutch residence permit with study purpose, are allowed a maximum term of one academic year to complete the pre-master programme, according to the legislation of the Dutch Immigration Services (IND).

Admission requirements

Relevant HBO diploma

Only certain HBO degrees are a match with the pre-master programmes of the Erasmus School of economics. Click to see if your HBO diploma makes you eligible for admission.

Proof of sufficient mathematics

Applicants need to show proof that they have obtained the required knowledge in mathematics. A minimum score of 7.5 for Wiskunde A or B at VWO level is required. Click for more information.

Sufficient Grade Point Average

To be admissible to any of our pre-master programmes applicants need to have a 7.5 GPA. In this grade point average all courses of the 4 year HBO bachelor programme that are awarded with a grade must be taken into account. Exemptions are not taken into account calculating the GPA.


Please have a look on the frequently asked questions page before getting in touch.


Applications for the pre-master programmes for the academic year 2023-2024 are closed. Applications for the academic year 2024-2025 will open on 8 January 2024.

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