Students from Erasmus School of Economics - (pre-)master requirements

On this page you can find all information regarding the requirements to successfully apply to one of our master or pre-master programmes as a current or former ESE student. In the table below you can see which (pre-)master programmes are accessible with your bachelor diploma.

The application is open until 1 August 2024.

Additional information for non-EEA students can be found at the bottom of this page.

General application procedure

To apply you have to complete two steps:

  1. Register in Studielink
    Click here for more information about how to register correctly in Studielink. Please make sure you have a registration in Studielink before continuing with the rest of the application procedure.
  2. After registering in Studielink you will receive an automatic generated email with the link to the EUR Admissions Portal where you need to finalise your application. In the Portal, you have the possibility to upload supporting documents (thesis statement, dispensation request). Make sure you have your ERNA username and password ready. You will need your login details to enter the EUR Admissions Portal.

If you have not obtained all of your credits yet at the moment of application, you can still apply. In that case, we will keep your application on hold until all grades have been published. After this publication, the examination board will send you the outcome of your application as soon as possible, but at least before the start of the academic year. However, we recommend applying after you have received all results if this is before the application deadline of 1 August.

Which programmes can you apply for?

In the matrix below you can see for which (pre-)master programme you can apply with your Erasmus School of Economics bachelor's degree.

 Accounting, Auditing 
and Control 
Economics and Business Economics Econometrics
and Management 
Fiscale Economie
BSc Economie en Bedrijfseconomie/IBEBYes Yes Pre-master*Pre-master
BSc Econometrie en Operationele Research/ 
Econometrics and Operations Research
No Yes YesPre-master
BScĀ² Econometrics/ EconomicsYes Yes Yes Pre-master 
BSc Fiscale EconomieYes Yes Pre-master*Yes

* Only if preparation courses are passed during bachelor's programme.

Students who have completed their pre-master programme can apply for the contiguous master's programme.

Thesis statement

If you have not finished your bachelor thesis before the application deadline of 1 August 2024 (or if your grade is not registered in Osiris before this deadline), but you will finish your thesis by 31 August 2024, you can ask your thesis supervisor to write a Thesis Statement. This statement declares that you will have finished your thesis successfully by 31 August 2024 at the latest. Your thesis supervisor can download the Thesis Statement from the School's website for employees (MyEUR). You can upload a scan or photo of the thesis statement with your online application.

The Examination Board will check in October 2024 whether your thesis grade is registered. If not, you will not be able to register for master examinations (this includes the master seminars). Do not hand in your thesis statement separately but upload it with your online application form.

Request for dispensation

Students who almost meet the standard requirements can file a request for dispensation from the admission requirements. The request for dispensation should contain the following elements:

  • The number of credits you have not passed
  • The name(s) of the course(s) you have not passed
  • Your study planning for the upcoming year, including the course(s) you have not passed
  • The reason for not meeting the requirements
  • Your motivation why the Examination Board should grant you admission to the master's programme
  • If you refer to events you will have to include proof of that event

For more information regarding a request for dispensation please see the handout.

Important information for non-EEA students

Non-EU students who currently do not hold a valid study permit for the Netherlands need to apply before 1 June 2024 by sending their information to This applies, for example, to students who took a gap year after bachelor graduation. For students who apply after 1 June 2024, it cannot be guaranteed the visa procedure is completed in time.


The application period for the (Pre-)Master programmes for the academic year 2024-2025 will close on 1 August 2024. The final day to apply and to complete the application is Thursday, 1 August 2024.

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