How to apply in Studielink

In order to apply for a master or pre-master programme it is necessary to register yourself in Studielink. We advise you to keep this page opened in a separate browser while registering in Studielink. Please make sure you fill in all details correctly, for we will use them for your application. Should any details change you will need to change them in Studielink yourself.

Please note for Dutch students:

  • Students with a Dutch diploma that is not from the Erasmus School of Economics: Only registering in Studielink is not a complete application. You will also need to apply via the EUR Admissions Portal before 1 May 2025.
  • Students with an Erasmus School of Economics diploma: Only registering in Studielink is not a complete application. You will also need to apply via the EUR Admissions Portal before 1 August 2025. The admission period for students from the Erasmus school of Economics is open from 3 June 2025 until 1 August 2025.

Register in Studielink

  • Go to
  • Create a Studielink account (DigiD is only applicable to students who live in the Netherlands)
  • Find your password for Studielink in your e-mail. If you do not receive anything, please check your spam folder as well
  • If you have any problems with your registration, please contact the Erasmus Student Service Centre by telephone: +31 (0)10 408 8880

Login to Studielink

  • Go back to
  • Click "Log in"
  • Enter the username you chose and the password from the e-mail

Fill out your personal details

  • Enter your personal details; make sure your given name and surname are spelled correctly, because these will be used throughout your studies.
  • Add your previous education
  • Continue to choose a study programme
  • Choose the Institution "Erasmus University Rotterdam"
  • Choose the type of study programme “WO Master” if you are registering for a master degree programme or “WO Bachelor” if you are registering for a pre-master programme.
  • Choose the correct Study Programme "Accounting, Auditing and Control", “Economics and Business" or "Econometrics and Management Science” or "Fiscale Economie" depending on your choice.
  • If you are applying for a pre-master programme choose the correct pre-master programme “Pre-master Accounting, Auditing and Control” or " Pre-master Economics and Business" or "Pre-master Econometrics and Management Science" or "Pre-master Fiscale Economie" depending on your choice
  • Choose Fulltime (All our programmes are fulltime only)
  • Start date “1 September 2025”
  • Type of enrolment “Student, starting as first-year”
  • Follow the steps to complete the institutional questions and confirm your registration
  • Within two hours you will receive multiple emails. One of these emails contains your ERNA login and password. The login name contains your student number and will consist of six digits, for example: 123456. Make sure you hold on to your ERNA details; you need it for your registration and future correspondence with the University. In case you do not receive your student number within two hours, please call the university's service desk on +31 (0)10 408 8880.

 Check your your details and continue application

  • After submitting your registration, you will receive the following automatically generated e-mails from Studielink;
    • Confirmation of your Studielink registration (overview of the details you submitted)
    • Verification of your previous education; explaining that Erasmus University should verify whether or not you are admissible to the programme you apply for
    • Non-Dutch students receive an email concerning verification of your passport/ID card, which the University will do once we have received your application documents in the EUR Admissions Portal
    • Request to supply the university with a photo, which can be used for your University student card
    • Email with your ERNA details
    • Email with a link to enter the EUR Admissions Portal
  • After successfully registering in Studielink you can continue to the EUR Admissions Portal to continue your application. Make sure you submit your application in both Studielink and the EUR Admissions Portal before the application deadline: Applicants with an international previous diploma and a non-EEA nationality 1 April 2025. Applicants with an international previous diploma and an EEA nationality 1 May 2025.

Important! In order to continue to the next step, you must have a successful Studielink enrolment and received your personal ERNA details. When you encounter problems with your Studielink registration, please contact the Erasmus Student Service Centre on +31 (0)10 408 8880. When you encounter difficulties with your ERNA details, please contact university’s service desk on +31 (0)10 408 8880.

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