People and expertise

Skyline of Rotterdam
  • dr. MH (Hakan) Akyuz

    M. Hakan Akyüz received his Ph.D. degree in Industrial Engineering from Boğaziçi University. He worked as a post-doctoral fellow at Hong Kong University of…
    dr. MH (Hakan) Akyuz
  • dr. A (Andreas) Alfons

    Andreas Alfons is an Associate Professor at Erasmus School of Economics, Erasmus University Rotterdam. His research lies on the intersection of statistics,…
    dr. A (Andreas) Alfons
  • M (Mariia) Artemova

    M (Mariia) Artemova
  • dr. RM (Riley) Badenbroek

    dr. RM (Riley) Badenbroek
  • ER (Ruben) van Beesten

    ER (Ruben) van Beesten
  • dr. PC (Paul) Bouman

    Operations Research, Programming, Artificial Intelligence, Public Transportation
    dr. PC (Paul) Bouman
  • dr. AM (Annika) Camehl

    Econometrics, Multivariate Time Series Analysis, Bayesian Inference, Empirical Macroeconomics
    dr. AM (Annika) Camehl
  • dr. C (Carlo) Cavicchia

    Carlo Cavicchia, an Assistant Professor of Statistics at the Econometric Institute of Erasmus University Rotterdam, focuses his research on the methodological…
    dr. C (Carlo) Cavicchia
  • J (Jehum) Cho

    J (Jehum) Cho
  • dr. YS (Brian) Chung, MSc

    Brian Y.S. Chung is a PhD Candidate at Erasmus School of Economics. He has obtained three Master's degrees, two in Business and Economics (both Cum Laude), and…
    dr. YS (Brian) Chung, MSc

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