Past publications

Image of an ECG

  • Gubbels, J., Assink, M., Ravesteijn, B., Weeland, J., Chhangur, R. R., Bouwmeester-Landweer, M, et al (2023). Long-term collateral effects of parent programs on child maltreatment proxies: Can administrative data provide useful insights?. Children and Youth Services Review
  • van Kippersluis, H., Biroli, P., Dias Pereira, R., Galama, T. J., von Hinke, S., Meddens, S. F. W., & Rietveld, C. A. (2023). Overcoming attenuation bias in regressions using polygenic indices. Nature communications14(1), 4473.
  • Lopes, F. V., Ravesteijn, B., Van Ourti, T., & Riumallo-Herl, C. (2023). Income inequalities beyond access to mental health care: a Dutch nationwide record-linkage cohort study of baseline disease severity, treatment intensity, and mental health outcomes. The Lancet Psychiatry
  • Lipman, S. A., Boderie, N. W., Been, J. V., & van Kippersluis, H. (2023). Deposit? Yes, please! The effect of different modes of assigning reward-and deposit-based financial incentives on effort. Behavioural Public Policy
  • Rohde, K. I., Van Ourti, T., & Soebhag, A. (2023). Reducing socioeconomic health inequalities? A questionnaire study of majorization and invariance conditions. Journal of Health Economics
  • Brindley, C., Van Ourti, T., Capuno, J., Kraft, A., Kudymowa, J., & O’Donnell, O. (2023). Risk factor contributions to socioeconomic inequality in cardiovascular risk in the Philippines: a cross-sectional study of nationally representative survey data. BMC Public Health
  • Shaikh, M., Ota, E., & Van Gestel, R. (2023). Childhood immunization and competing mortality risks in Kenya: A longitudinal analysis for multiparous mothers. The Journal of Pediatrics.
  • Rietveld, C. A., & Patel, P. C. (2023). A critical assessment of the national expert survey data of the global entrepreneurship monitor. Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice.
  • Wijemunige, N., Rannan-Eliya, R. P., Van Baal, P., & O’Donnell, O. (2023). Optimizing cardiovascular disease risk screening in a low-resource setting: cost-effectiveness of program modifications in Sri Lanka modelled with nationally representative survey data. BMC Public Health
  • Boderie, N. W., van Kippersluis, H., Been, J. V., van Lenthe, F. J., & Groeniger, J. O. (2023). Examining neighborhood effects on mental health utilizing a novel two-stage modeling approach. Annals of Epidemiology
  • Dijkstra, N. F., de Groot, K., & Rietveld, C. A. (2023). Entrepreneurial orientation and decision‐making under risk and uncertainty: Experimental evidence from the Columbia Card Task. Applied Psychology
  • Manduca, R., Hell, M., Adermon, A., Blanden, J., Bratberg, E., Gielen, A. C., van Kippersluis, H. et al (2023). Measuring Absolute Income Mobility: Lessons from North America and Europe. American Economic Journal: Applied Economics.
  • Garcia‐Gomez, P., Koning, P., O'Donnell, O., & Riumalló‐Herl, C. (2023). Selective exercise of discretion in disability insurance awards. Journal of Policy Analysis and Management.
  • Sambodo, N. P., Bonfrer, I., Sparrow, R., Pradhan, M., & van Doorslaer, E. (2023). Effects of performance-based capitation payment on the use of public primary health care services in Indonesia. Social Science & Medicine.
  • Bom, J., Bakx, P., Doorslaer, E. Van, Gørtz, M. & Skinner, J. (2023) What explains different rates of nursing home admissions? Comparing the United States to Denmark and the Netherlands -  Journal of the Economics of Ageing, 25 
  • Wouterse, B., Geisler, J., Bar, M. & Doorslaer, E. Van (2023) Has COVID-19 increased inequality in mortality by income in the Netherlands? - Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health
  • Rietveld, C. A., Vlaming, R. de, & Slob, E. A. W. (2023). The identification of mediating effects using genome-based restricted maximum likelihood estimation. PLOS Genetics19(2), e1010638.
  • Wouterse, B., Geisler, J., Bär, M., & Doorslaer, E. van. (2023). Has COVID-19 increased inequality in mortality by income in the Netherlands? J Epidemiol Community Health.
  • Mohanty, S. K., Ambade, M., Upadhyay, A. K., Mishra, R. S., Pedgaonkar, S. P., Kampfen, F., O’Donnell, O., & Maurer, J. (2023). Prevalence of pain and its treatment among older adults in India: A nationally representative population-based study. PAIN164(2), 336.
  • Patel, P. C., & Rietveld, C. A. (2023). Right of association and new business entry: Country-level evidence from the market sector. Small Business Economics.
  • Muslimova, D., Pereira, R. D., van Kippersluis, H., Rietveld, N., von Hinke, S., & Meddens, F. (2023). Rank concordance of polygenic indices: Implications for applied research and personalized medicine. Nature Human Behaviour.

  • Wijemunige, N., Rannan-Eliya, R. P., Maurer, J., & O’Donnell, O. (2022). Cost-Effectiveness and Distributional Impact of Opportunistic Screening for People at High-Risk of Cardiovascular Disease in Sri Lanka: A Modelling Study. Global Heart17(1), Article 1.
  • Bär, M., Bakx, P., Wouterse, B., & van Doorslaer, E. (2022). Estimating the health value added by nursing homes. Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization203, 1–23.
  • Kókai, L. L., van der Bijl, M. F., Hagger, M. S., Ó Ceallaigh, D. T., Rohde, K. I. M., van Kippersluis, H., Burdorf, A., Duvekot, J. J., van Lennep, J. E. R., & Wijtzes, A. I. (2022). Needs and preferences of women with prior severe preeclampsia regarding app-based cardiovascular health promotion. BMC Women’s Health22(1), 427.
  • Capuno, J., Kraft, A., Calicdan, K. G., & O’Donnell, O. (2022). Associations between health-related quality of life and measures of adiposity among Filipino adults. PLOS ONE17(10), e0275798.
  • Riumallo Herl, C., Kabudula, C., Kahn, K., Tollman, S., & Canning, D. (2022). Pension exposure and health: Evidence from a longitudinal study in South Africa. The Journal of the Economics of Ageing23, 100411.
  • Islam, S., Upadhyay, A. K., Mohanty, S. K., Pedgaonkar, S. P., Maurer, J., & O’Donnell, O. (2022). Use of unclean cooking fuels and visual impairment of older adults in India: A nationally representative population-based study. Environment International165, 107302.
  • Jbaily, A., Haakenstad, A., Kiros, M., Riumallo-Herl, C., & Verguet, S. (2022). Examining the density in out-of-pocket spending share in the estimation of catastrophic health expenditures. The European Journal of Health Economics23(5), 903–912.
  • Baillon, A., O’Donnell, O., Quimbo, S., & van Wilgenburg, K. (2022). Do time preferences explain low health insurance take-up? Journal of Risk and Insurance89(4), 951–983.
  • Lopes, F. V., Bakx, P., Harper, S., Ravesteijn, B., & Van Ourti, T. (2022). The effects of supported housing for individuals with mental disorders. Health Economics31(S2), 115–133.
  • Pereira, R. D., Rietveld, C. A., & van Kippersluis, H. (2022). The interplay between maternal smoking and genes in offspring birth weight. Journal of Human Resources, 1020-11266R2.
  • Burger, C., Burger, R., & van Doorslaer, E. (2022). The health impact of free access to antiretroviral therapy in South Africa. Social Science & Medicine299, 114832.
  • Baillon, A., Kraft, A., O’Donnell, O., & van Wilgenburg, K. (2022). A behavioral decomposition of willingness to pay for health insurance. Journal of Risk and Uncertainty.
  • Pereira, R. D., Biroli, P., Galama, T., von Hinke, S., van Kippersluis, H., Rietveld, C. A., & Thom, K. (2022). Gene-Environment Interplay in the Social Sciences. ArXiv:2203.02198 [Econ, q-Fin].
  • Lopes, F. V., Riumallo Herl, C. J., Mackenbach, J. P., & Van Ourti, T. (2022). Patient cost-sharing, mental health care and inequalities: A population-based natural experiment at the transition to adulthood. Social Science & Medicine296, 114741.
  • Payne, C. F., Houle, B., Chinogurei, C., Herl, C. R., Kabudula, C. W., Kobayashi, L. C., Salomon, J., & Manne-Goehler, J. (2022). Differences in healthy longevity by HIV status and viral load among older South African adults: An observational cohort modelling study. The Lancet Healthy Longevity3, S1.
  • Gestel, R. V., Goedemé, T., Janssens, J., Lefevere, E., & Lemkens, R. (2022). Improving Take-Up by Reaching Out to Potential Beneficiaries. Insights from a Large-Scale Field Experiment in Belgium. Journal of Social Policy, 1–21.
  • Baillon, A., Capuno, J., O’Donnell, O., Tan, C. A., & van Wilgenburg, K. (2022). Persistent effects of temporary incentives: Evidence from a nationwide health insurance experiment. Journal of Health Economics81, 102580.
  • Kókai, L. L., Ceallaigh, D. T. Ó., Wijtzes, A. I., Lennep, J. E. R. van, Hagger, M. S., Cawley, J., Rohde, K. I. M., Kippersluis, H. van, & Burdorf, A. (2022). Moving from intention to behaviour: A randomised controlled trial protocol for an app-based physical activity intervention (i2be). BMJ Open12(1), e053711.
  • Mohanty, S. K., Upadhyay, A. K., Shekhar, P., Kämpfen, F., O’Donnell, O., & Maurer, J. (2022). Missed opportunities for hypertension screening: A cross-sectional study, India. Bulletin of the World Health Organization100(1), 30-39B.
  • Bago d’Uva, T., & O’Donnell, O. (2022). Explaining probability judgment inaccuracy: A lens model extended decomposition of the Brier Score. Decision9(1), 74–90.
  • Huberts, L. C. E., Does, R. J. M. M., Ravesteijn, B., & Lokkerbol, J. (2022). Predictive monitoring using machine learning algorithms and a real-life example on schizophrenia. Quality and Reliability Engineering International38(3), 1302–1317.

  • Dieteren, C. M., O’Donnell, O., & Bonfrer, I. (2021). Prevalence and inequality in persistent undiagnosed, untreated, and uncontrolled hypertension: Evidence from a cohort of older Mexicans. PLOS Global Public Health1(12), e0000114.
  • Burger, R., Caldwell, J., Claassens, M., Mama, K., Naidoo, P., Rieger, M., Rossouw, L., van Doorslaer, E., & Wagstaff, A. (2021). Who is more likely to return for TB test results? A survey at three high-burden primary healthcare facilities in Cape Town, South Africa. International Journal of Infectious Diseases113, 259–267.
  • Burgos Ochoa, L., Bertens, L. C., Garcia-Gomez, P., Van Ourti, T., Steegers, E. A., & Been, J. V. (2021). Association of neighbourhood socioeconomic trajectories with preterm birth and small-for-gestational-age in the Netherlands: A nationwide population-based study. The Lancet Regional Health - Europe10, 100205.
  • Schwandt, H., Currie, J., Bär, M., Banks, J., Bertoli, P., Bütikofer, A., Cattan, S., Chao, B. Z.-Y., Costa, C., González, L., Grembi, V., Huttunen, K., Karadakic, R., Kraftman, L., Krutikova, S., Lombardi, S., Redler, P., Riumallo-Herl, C., Rodríguez-González, A., … Wuppermann, A. (2021). Inequality in mortality between Black and White Americans by age, place, and cause and in comparison to Europe, 1990 to 2018. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences118(40), e2104684118.
  • Eka, E. van D., O’Donnell, O., Gwatkin, D., S. Yazbeck, A., Lindelow, M., Bredenkamp, C., Yip, W., Bales, S., McIntyre, D., P. Filmer, D., De Walque, D., Couffinhal, A., & Hafez, R. (2021). In Appreciation of Adam. Health Systems and Reform7(2).
  • Mohanty, S. K., Pedgaonkar, S. P., Upadhyay, A. K., Kämpfen, F., Shekhar, P., Mishra, R. S., Maurer, J., & O’Donnell, O. (2021). Awareness, treatment, and control of hypertension in adults aged 45 years and over and their spouses in India: A nationally representative cross-sectional study. PLOS Medicine18(8), e1003740.
  • Capuno, J., Kraft, A., & O’Donnell, O. (2021). Effectiveness of clinic-based cardiovascular disease prevention: A randomized encouragement design experiment in the Philippines. Social Science & Medicine283, 114194.
  • Coveney, M., & Oosterveen, M. (2021). What drives ability peer effects? European Economic Review136, 103763.
  • Dyson, H., Van Gestel, R., & van Doorslaer, E. (2021). The relative importance and stability of disease burden causes over time: Summarizing regional trends on disease burden for 290 causes over 28 years. Population Health Metrics19(1), 30.
  • Sambodo, N. P., Van Doorslaer, E., Pradhan, M., & Sparrow, R. (2021). Does geographic spending variation exacerbate healthcare benefit inequality? A benefit incidence analysis for Indonesia. Health Policy and Planningczab015.
  • Lenzen, S., Bakx, P., Bom, J., & van Doorslaer, E. (2021). Health Care Use and Out-of-pocket Spending by Persons With Dementia Differ Between Europe and the United States. Medical Care59(6), 543–549.
  • Hengel, K. M. O., Riumallo-Herl, C., Schram, J. L., Nieboer, D., van der Beek, A. J., & Burdorf, A. (2021). Effects of changes in early retirement policies on labor force participation: The differential effects for vulnerable groups. Scandinavian Journal of Work, Environment & Health47(3), 224–232.
  • Garcia-Gómez, P., Mandicó, S., Martín, S., & Castelló, J. (2021). Trends in Employment and Social Security Incentives in the Spanish Pension System, 1980–2016. In A. Börsch-Supan & C. C. Coile (Eds.), Social Security Programs and Retirement around the World (pp. 317–372). University of Chicago Press.
  • Oude Hengel, K., Riumallo-Herl, C., Schram, J. L. D., Nieboer, D., van der Beek, A. J., & Burdorf, A. (2021). Effects of changes in early retirement policies on labor force participation: The differential effects for vulnerable groups. Scandinavian Journal of Work, Environment and Health.
  • Martínez-Jiménez, M., García-Gómez, P., & Puig-Junoy, J. (2021). The Effect of Changes in Cost Sharing on the Consumption of Prescription and Over-the-Counter Medicines in Catalonia. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health18(5), 2562.
  • Bär, M., Wouterse, B., Herl, C. R., Ourti, T. V., & Doorslaer, E. V. (2021). Diverging Mortality Inequality Trends among Young and Old in the Netherlands*. Fiscal Studies42(1), 79–101.
  • Dorin, C., Hainguerlot, M., Huber-Yahi, H., Vergnaud, J.-C., & de Gardelle, V. (2021). How economic success shapes redistribution: The role of self-serving beliefs, in-group bias and justice principles. Judgment and Decision Making16(4), 932–949.
  • Vidiella-Martin, J., Been, J. V., Van Doorslaer, E., García-Gómez, P., & Van Ourti, T. (2021). Association Between Income and Perinatal Mortality in the Netherlands Across Gestational Age. JAMA Network Open4(11), e2132124–e2132124.
  • Capuno, J., Kraft, A., & O’Donnell, O. (2021). Effectiveness of clinic-based cardiovascular disease prevention: A randomized encouragement design experiment in the Philippines. Social Science & Medicine283, 114194.
  • Dyson, H., Van Gestel, R., & van Doorslaer, E. (2021). The relative importance and stability of disease burden causes over time: Summarizing regional trends on disease burden for 290 causes over 28 years. Population Health Metrics19(1), 30.
  • Sambodo, N. P., Van Doorslaer, E., Pradhan, M., & Sparrow, R. (2021). Does geographic spending variation exacerbate healthcare benefit inequality? A benefit incidence analysis for Indonesia. Health Policy and Planningczab015.
  • Lenzen, S., Bakx, P., Bom, J., & van Doorslaer, E. (2021). Health Care Use and Out-of-pocket Spending by Persons With Dementia Differ Between Europe and the United States. Medical Care59(6), 543–549.
  • Garcia-Gómez, P., Mandicó, S., Martín, S., & Castelló, J. (2021). Trends in Employment and Social Security Incentives in the Spanish Pension System, 1980–2016. In A. Börsch-Supan & C. C. Coile (Eds.), Social Security Programs and Retirement around the World (pp. 317–372). University of Chicago Press.
  • Oude Hengel, K., Riumallo-Herl, C., Schram, J. L. D., Nieboer, D., van der Beek, A. J., & Burdorf, A. (2021). Effects of changes in early retirement policies on labor force participation: The differential effects for vulnerable groups. Scandinavian Journal of Work, Environment and Health.
  • Martínez-Jiménez, M., García-Gómez, P., & Puig-Junoy, J. (2021). The Effect of Changes in Cost Sharing on the Consumption of Prescription and Over-the-Counter Medicines in Catalonia. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health18(5), 2562.
  • Bär, M., Wouterse, B., Herl, C. R., Ourti, T. V., & Doorslaer, E. V. (2021). Diverging Mortality Inequality Trends among Young and Old in the Netherlands*. Fiscal Studies42(1), 79–101.
  • Dorin, C., Hainguerlot, M., Huber-Yahi, H., Vergnaud, J.-C., & de Gardelle, V. (2021). How economic success shapes redistribution: The role of self-serving beliefs, in-group bias and justice principles. Judgment and Decision Making16(4), 932–949.

  • Bouckaert, N., Gielen, A. C., & Van Ourti, T. (2020). It runs in the family – Influenza vaccination and spillover effects. Journal of Health Economics74, 102386.
  • Flores, M., García-Gómez, P., & Kalwij, A. (2020). Early life circumstances and labor market outcomes over the life cycle. The Journal of Economic Inequality18(4), 449–468.
  • Bago d’Uva, T., O’Donnell, O., & van Doorslaer, E. (2020). Who can predict their own demise? Heterogeneity in the accuracy and value of longevity expectations☆. The Journal of the Economics of Ageing17, 100135.
  • O’Donnell, O., & Van Ourti, T. (2020). Dominance analysis. In R. Cookson, S. Griffin, O. F. Norheim, & A. J. Culyer (Eds.), Distributional Cost-Effectiveness Analysis, Quantifying Health Equity Impacts and Trade-Offs.  Oxford University Press.
  • O’Donnell, O., & Van Ourti, T. (2020). Rank-dependent equity weights. In R. Cookson, S. Griffin, O. F. Norheim, & A. J. Culyer (Eds.), Distributional Cost-Effectiveness Analysis, Quantifying Health Equity Impacts and Trade-Offs. Oxford University Press.
  • Kirkman, S., Hollingsworth, B., Lake, A., Hinke, S., Sorrell, S., Burgoine, T., & Brown, H. (2020). Field validity and spatial accuracy of Food Standards Agency Food Hygiene Rating scheme data for England. Journal of Public Healthfdaa172.
  • Boderie, N. W., Kippersluis, J. L. van, Ceallaigh, D. T. Ó., Radó, M. K., Burdorf, A., Lenthe, F. J. van, & Been, J. V. (2020). PERSonalised Incentives for Supporting Tobacco cessation (PERSIST) among healthcare employees: A randomised controlled trial protocol. BMJ Open10(9), e037799.
  • Bago d’Uva, T., & García-Gómez, P. (2020). At ESE females and non-Dutch are lagging behind in rank and earnings. Economisch-Statistische BerichtenJuli 2020.
  • Galama, T. J., Lleras-Muney, A., & van Kippersluis, H. (2020). The Effect of Education on Health and Mortality: A Review of Experimental and Quasi-Experimental Evidence. In A. M. Jones (Ed.), The Oxford Encyclopedia of Health Economics: 3-Volume Set. Oxford University Press.
  • Rahnev, D., Desender, K., Lee, A. L. F., Adler, W. T., Aguilar-Lleyda, D., Akdoğan, B., Arbuzova, P., Atlas, L. Y., Balcı, F., Bang, J. W., Bègue, I., Birney, D. P., Brady, T. F., Calder-Travis, J., Chetverikov, A., Clark, T. K., Davranche, K., Denison, R. N., Dildine, T. C., … Zylberberg, A. (2020). The Confidence Database. Nature Human Behaviour4(3), 317–325.
  • Arcà, E., Principe, F., & Van Doorslaer, E. (2020). Death by austerity? The impact of cost containment on avoidable mortality in Italy. Health Economics29(12), 1500–1516.
  • Bakx, P., Wouterse, B., Van Doorslaer, E., & Wong, A. (2020). Better off at home? Effects of nursing home eligibility on costs, hospitalizations and survival. Journal of Health Economics73, 102354.
  • Bertens, L. C., Ochoa, L. B., Van Ourti, T., Steegers, E. A., & Been, J. V. (2020). Persisting inequalities in birth outcomes related to neighbourhood deprivation. J Epidemiol Community Health74(3), 232–239.
  • Coveney, M., Garcia-Gomez, P., Van Doorslaer, E., & Van Ourti, T. (2020). Thank goodness for stickiness: Unravelling the evolution of income-related health inequalities before and after the great recession in europe. Journal of Health Economics70, 102259.
  • Fichera, E., & von Hinke, S. (2020). The response to nutritional labels: Evidence from a quasi-experiment. Journal of Health Economics72, 102326.
  • Garcia-Mandicó, S., García-Gómez, P., Gielen, A. C., & O’Donnell, O. (2020). Earnings responses to disability insurance stringency. Labour Economics66, 101880.
  • Halla, M., Mayr, H., Pruckner, G. J., & García-Gómez, P. (2020). Cutting fertility? Effects of cesarean deliveries on subsequent fertility and maternal labor supply. Journal of Health Economics72, 102325.
  • Mamluk, L., Jones, T., Ijaz, S., Edwards, H. B., Savović, J., Leach, V., Moore, T. H., von Hinke, S., Lewis, S. J., & Donovan, J. L. (2020). Evidence of detrimental effects of prenatal alcohol exposure on offspring birthweight and neurodevelopment from a systematic review of quasi-experimental studies. International Journal of Epidemiology49(6), 1972–1995.
  • Rellstab, S., Bakx, P., Garcia-Gomez, P., & Van Doorslaer, E. (2020). The kids are alright-labour market effects of unexpected parental hospitalisations in the Netherlands. Journal of Health Economics69, 102275.
  • Roos, A.-F., O’Donnell, O., Schut, F. T., Van Doorslaer, E., Van Gestel, R., & Varkevisser, M. (2020). Does price deregulation in a competitive hospital market damage quality? Journal of Health Economics72, 102328.
  • Sicsic, J., Ravesteijn, B., & Rapp, T. (2020). Are frail elderly people in Europe high-need subjects? First evidence from the SPRINTT data. Health Policy124(8), 865–872.
  • Tenand, M., Bakx, P., & van Doorslaer, E. (2020). Eligibility or use? Disentangling the sources of horizontal inequity in home care receipt in the Netherlands. Health Economics29(10), 1161–1179.
  • Tenand, M., Bakx, P., & Van Doorslaer, E. (2020). Equal long-term care for equal needs with universal and comprehensive coverage? An assessment using Dutch administrative data. Health Economics29(4), 435–451.
  • van Kleef, R., Ravesteijn, B., van Kippersluis, H., & Hendlin, Y. (2020). Oproep aan zorgverzekeraars: Experimenteer met ‘verschoven’eigen risico. VGE Bulletin37(1), 28–30.
  • Van Ourti, T., & Bouckaert, N. (2020). The Dutch influenza vaccination policy and medication use, outpatient visits, hospitalization and mortality at age 65. European Journal of Public Health30(2), 275–280.
  • Van Ourti, T., O’Donnell, O., Koç, H., Fracheboud, J., & de Koning, H. J. (2020). Effect of screening mammography on breast cancer mortality: Quasi-experimental evidence from rollout of the Dutch population-based program with 17-year follow-up of a cohort. International Journal of Cancer146(8), 2201–2208.

  • Riumallo-Herl, C., & Aguila, E. (2019). The effect of old-age pensions on health care utilization patterns and insurance uptake in Mexico. BMJ Global Health4(6), e001771.
  • Hessel, P., Sayer, P., & Riumallo-Herl, C. (2019). Educational inequalities in disability linked to social security coverage among older individuals in five Latin American countries. Social Science & Medicine, 112378. 
  • Wagstaff, A., Doorslaer, E. van, & Burger, R. (2019). SMS nudges as a tool to reduce tuberculosis treatment delay and pretreatment loss to follow-up.  A randomized controlled trial. PLOS ONE14(6), e0218527.
  • Gajdos, T., Régner, I., Huguet, P., Hainguerlot, M., Vergnaud, J.-C., Sackur, J., & Gardelle, V. de. (2019). Does social context impact metacognition? Evidence from stereotype threat in a visual search task. PLOS ONE14(4), e0215050. 
  • Carrieri, V., Madio, L., & Principe, F. (2019). Light cannabis and organized crime: Evidence from (unintended) liberalization in Italy. European Economic Review113, 63–76.
  • Lee, S., Chou, K.-L., Chan, W.-S., & Kippersluis, H. van. (2019). Consumer Preferences and Demand for Annuities: Evidence From Hong Kong. Journal of Aging & Social Policy31(2), 170–188.
  • Kolodziej, I. W. K., & García-Gómez, P. (2019). Saved by retirement: Beyond the mean effect on mental health. Social Science & Medicine225, 85–97. 
  • Galama, T. J., & van Kippersluis, H. (2019). A Theory of Socio-economic Disparities in Health over the Life Cycle. The Economic Journal129(617), 338–374. 
  • Kobayashi, L. C., Frank, S., Riumallo-Herl, C., Canning, D., & Berkman, L. (2019). Socioeconomic gradients in chronic disease risk behaviors in a population-based study of older adults in rural South Africa. International Journal of Public Health64(1), 135–145. 
  • Riumallo-Herl, C., Canning, D., & Kabudula, C. (2019). Health inequalities in the South African elderly: The importance of the measure of social-economic status. The Journal of the Economics of Ageing14, 100191.
  • Bom, J., Bakx, P., Schut, F., & Van Doorslaer, E. (2019). Health effects of caring for and about parents and spouses. The Journal of the Economics of Ageing14, 100196.
  • Bom, J., Bakx, P., Schut, F., & van Doorslaer, E. (2019). The impact of informal caregiving for older adults on the health of various types of caregivers: A systematic review. The Gerontologist59(5), e629–e642.
  • Buisman, L. R., Van de Poel, E., O’Donnell, O., & van Doorslaer, E. K. (2019). What explains the fall in child stunting in Sub-Saharan Africa? SSM-Population Health8, 100384.
  • Koomen, L. E. M., Burger, R., & van Doorslaer, E. K. A. (2019). Effects and determinants of tuberculosis drug stockouts in South Africa. BMC Health Services Research19(1), 213.
  • Neelsen, S., Limwattananon, S., O’Donnell, O., & van Doorslaer, E. (2019). Universal health coverage: A (social insurance) job half done? World Development113, 246–258.
  • Rizal, M. F., & van Doorslaer, E. (2019). Explaining the fall of socioeconomic inequality in childhood stunting in Indonesia. SSM-Population Health9, 100469.
  • van Baal, P., Perry-Duxbury, M., Bakx, P., Versteegh, M., van Doorslaer, E., & Brouwer, W. (2019). A cost-effectiveness threshold based on the marginal returns of cardiovascular hospital spending. Health Economics28(1), 87–100.
  • von Hinke, S., Leckie, G., & Nicoletti, C. (2019). The use of instrumental variables in peer effects models. Oxford Bulletin of Economics and Statistics81(5), 1179–1191.
  • Zhang, H., van Doorslaer, E., Xu, L., Zhang, Y., & van de Klundert, J. (2019). Can a results-based bottom-up reform improve health system performance? Evidence from the rural health project in China. Health Economics28(10), 1204–1219.

  • Van Baal, P, M Perry-Duxbury, P Bakx, M Versteegh, E van Doorslaer, W Brouwer (2018). Estimating a k-threshold for the Netherlands based on the marginal returns of cardiovascular hospital spending. Health Economics, 2018, 1-14.
  • Bago d’Uva, T, O O’Donnell and E van Doorslaer (2018). Who can predict their own demise? Heterogeneity in the accuracy and value of longevity expectations, Journal of the Economics of Ageing.
  • Bom, J, P Bakx, E Schut, E van Doorslaer (2018). Informal caregiving, a healthy decision? A systematic review of the impact of providing informal care on the health of the caregiver. The Gerontologist.
  • Bonfrer, I, E Van de Poel, E Gustaffson-Wright, E van Doorslaer (2018). Voluntary Health Insurance in Nigeria: Effects on Takers and Non-Takers. Social Science and Medicine 205 (2018) 55–63.
  • Chang AY, Riumallo Herl C., and Verguet S. (2018). The equity impact vaccines may have on averting deaths and medical impoverishment in developing countries. Health Affairs 37 (2) 2018.
  • Galama, T.J., and H. van Kippersluis (2018). A Theory of Socioeconomic Disparities in Health over the Life Cycle. The Economic Journal.
  • García-Gómez P. and Gielen A. (2018) Mortality effects of containing moral hazard: evidence from disability insurance reform. Health Economics, 2018, 27(3): 606-621.
  • García-Gómez P., Mora T. and Puig-Junoy J. (2018). Does 1€ per prescription make a difference? Impact of a capped low-intensity pharmaceutical co-payment. Applied Health Economics and Health Policy, 16(3): 407-414. 
  • Van Gestel, R., Mueller, T., & Bosmans, J. (2018). Learning from failure in healthcare: dynamic panel evidence of a physician shock effect.  Health Economics.
  • Haal, K, A Smith, E van Doorslaer (2018). The rise and fall of mortality inequality in South Africa in the HIV era, Social Science and Medicine – Population Health, 5 (2018), 239-248.
  • Van Kippersluis, H. and C.A. Rietveld (2018). Beyond Plausibly Exogenous. The Econometrics Journal.
  • Koç H, O’Donnell O, Van Ourti T (2018). What explains education disparities in screening mammography in the United States? A comparison with the Netherlands. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 15(9), 1961.
  • Murphy, A., Palafox, B., O'Donnell, O. et al. (2018). Inequalities in the use of secondary prevention of cardiovascular disease by socioeconomic status: evidence from the PURE observational study. The Lancet Global Health, 6(3), e292-e301.
  • Ravesteijn, B, H van Kippersluis, E van Doorslaer (2018). The wear and tear on health: what is the role of occupation? Health Economics, 2018, 27, 2, e69-e86.
  • Raza W, Van de Poel E, Van Ourti T (2018). Impact and spill-over effects of an asset transfer program on child under malnutrition: Evidence from a randomized control trial in Bangladesh. Journal of Health Economics, 62, 105-120.
  • Riumallo-Herl C, Chang AY, Clark S, et al. (2018). Poverty reduction and equity benefits of introducing or scaling up measles, rotavirus and pneumococcal vaccines in low-income and middle-income countries: a modelling study. BMJ Global Health 2018;3:e000613.
  • Rossouw, L, T Bago d’Uva, E van Doorslaer (2018). Poor health reporting? Using anchoring vignettes to uncover health disparities by wealth and race, Demography, 2018, Volume 55, 5, 1935–1956.

  • Neelsen, S. and O'donnell, O. (2017). Progressive universalism? The impact of targeted coverage on health care access and expenditures in Peru. Health economics
  • Chang AY, Riumallo Herl C., Resch S. and Verguet S. (2017). Estimation of distribution of childhood diarrhoea, measles, and pneumonia morbidity and mortality by socio-economic group in low-income and middle-income countries. The Lancet Global Health 5 (15) 2017
  • Verguet S., Riumallo Herl C. et al. (2017).  Catastrophic health costs averted by TB control: findings for India and South Africa from a modeling study. The Lancet Global Health 5 (11) 2017
  • Hessel P., Riumallo Herl, C. et al. (2017). Economic Downturns, Retirement and Long-Term Cognitive Function Among Older Americans. The Journals of Gerontology: Series B
  • García-Gómez P, Gielen AC. Mortality effects of containing moral hazard: Evidence from disability insurance reform. Health Economics. 2017;1–16
  • Bago d’Uva, T., O. O’Donnell and E. van Doorslaer, (2018). Who can predict their own demise? Heterogeneity in the accuracy and value of longevity expectations. Journal of the Economics of Ageing, forthcoming.
  • French, E.B. et al. (2017). End-Of-Life Medical Spending In Last Twelve Months Of Life Is Lower Than Previously Reported. Health Affairs 36, no.7 (2017):1211-1217
  • Hsieh, C.S. and H. van Kippersluis (2017). Smoking Initiation: Peers and Personality, Quantitative Economics, forthcoming.
  • Koc, H. and H. van Kippersluis (2017). Thought for Food: Understanding Educational Disparities in Diet. Journal of Human Capital.
  • Palali, A. and J.C. van Ours, Love conquers all but nicotine; spousal peer effects on the decision to quit smoking, Health Economics
  • Ravesteijn, B., H. van Kippersluis, and E. van Doorslaer (2017). The Wear and Tear on Health: What is the Role of Occupation? Health Economics
  • Van Kippersluis, H. and C.A. Rietveld (2017). Pleiotropy-robust Mendelian Randomization. International Journal of Epidemiology
  • Malik, A., E. Van de Poel, E. van Doorslaer, (2017). Did management contracting-in affect the use of primary health care units in Pakistan? Health Policy and Planning 32, 7, 1032–1041.
  • French, E., J. McCauley, M. Aragon, P. et al. (2017). Data from the US and eight other developed countries show that end-of-life medical spending is lower than previously reported. Health Affairs, 36, 7: 1211–1217.

  • Arnold M, Rentería E, Van Ourti T, Soerjomataram I (2016). Global inequalities in cancer incidence and mortality in the 21st century. Cancer Causes and Control, 27(8): 999-1007.
  • Bakx, P.L.H., Doorslaer, E.K.A. van & O'Donnell, O.A. (2016). Spending on Health Care in the Netherlands: Not Going so Dutch. Fiscal Studies (London), 37, 593-625.
  • Bijwaard, G.E. and H. van Kippersluis (2016). Efficiency of Health Investment: Education or Intelligence? Health Economics 25: 1056–1072.
  • Coveney M, García Gómez P, Van Doorslaer E, Van Ourti T (2016). Health disparities by income in Spain before and after the economic crisis. Health Economics, 25: 141-158.
  • Flores, G. & O'Donnell, O. (2016). Catastrophic medical expenditure risk. Journal of Health Economics, 46, 1-15.
  • Garcia Gomez, P., Puig-Junoy, J. & Casado-Marin, D. (2016). Free Medicines Thanks to Retirement: Impact of Coinsurance Exemption on Pharmaceutical Expenditures and Hospitalization Offsets in a National Health Service. Health Economics, 25, 750-767.
  • O'Donnell, O.A., Ourti, T.G.M. Van, O'Neil, S. & Walsh, B. (2016). conindex: Estimation of Concentration Indices. Stata Journal, 16 (1), 112-138.
  • Williams, J., J.C. van Ours and M. Grossman (2016) Attitudes to legalizing cannabis use, Health Economics, 25, 1201-1216.

  • Bakx, P.L.H., De Meijer, C.A.M., Schut, F.T. and Doorslaer, E.K.A. van (2015). Going formal or informal, who cares? The influence of public long-term care insurance. Health Economics.
  • Bakx, P., Schut, F., & van Doorslaer, E. (2015). Can universal access and competition in long-term care insurance be combined? International Journal of Health Economics and Management, 1-29.
  • Bijwaard, G.E., H. van Kippersluis, and J. Veenman (2015), "Education and Health: The Role of Cognitive Ability", Journal of Health Economics, 42: 29-43.
  • de Meijer C., van Doorslaer E., and Koopmanschap M. (2015) Explaining Declining Rates of Institutional LTC Use in the Netherlands: A Decomposition Approach, Health Econ., 24, 18–31, doi: 10.1002/hec.3114.
  • De Vries E, Uribe C, Pardo C, Lemmens V, Van de Poel E, Forman D. Gastric cancer survival and affiliation to health insurance in a middle-income setting. Cancer Epidemiology 2015, 39(1): 91-96.
  • Garcia Gomez, P., Hernandez Quevedo, C., Jimenez Rubio, D and Oliva, J. (2015). Inequity in long-term care use and unmet need: two sides of the same coin. Journal of Health Economics, 39, 147-158.
  • Garcia Gomez P, Schokkaert E, Van Ourti T, Bago d’Uva T (2015). Inequity in the face of death, Health Economics, 24(10): 1348-1367.
  • Gielen, A. C., Holmes, J., and Myers, C. Prenatal testosterone and the earnings of men and women, Journal of Human Resources, forthcoming.
  • Limwattananon, S., Neelsen, S., O'Donnell, O., Prakongsai, P., Tangcharoensathien, V., van Doorslaer, E., & Vongmongkol, V. (2015). Universal coverage with supply-side reform: The impact on medical expenditure risk and utilization in Thailand. Journal of Public Economics, 121, 79-94.
  • O’Donnell O, O’Neill S, Van Ourti T, Walsh B (2015). Conindex: Estimation of concentration indices. The Stata Journal, forthcoming.
  • O’Donnell O, Van Doorslaer E, Van Ourti T (2015). Health and inequality, in A.B. Atkinson and F.J. Bourguignon (Eds.), North-Holland Handbook of Income Distribution, Elsevier: 1419-1533.
  • Palali, A. and J.C. van Ours (2015) Distance to cannabis-shops and age of onset of cannabis use, Health Economics, 24 (11), 1483-1501.
  • Quintussi M, Van de Poel E, Panda P, Rutten F. Economic implications of ill health for households in rural India. BMC Health Services Research 2015, 15, 179.
  • Raza W, Van de Poel E, Bedi A, Rutten F. Can community based health insurance increase access to care and financial protection? Evidence from a randomized control trial in rural India. Health Economics, forthcoming.
  • Rietveld, C.A., H. van Kippersluis, and A.R Thurik (2015), "Self-employment and Health: Barriers or Benefits?", Health Economics, forthcoming.
  • Van de Poel E, Flores G, Ir P, O’Donnell O. Impact of performance based financing in a low resource setting: A decade of experience in Cambodia. Health Economics, forthcoming.
  • Zhang, H., Bago d’Uva, T., & van Doorslaer, E. (2015). The gender health gap in China: A decomposition analysis. Economics & Human Biology, 18(0), 13-26.

  • Riumallo Herl C., Kawachi I., and Avendano M. (2014). Social capital, mental health and biomarkers in Chile: Assessing the effects of social capital in a middle-income country. Social Science & Medicine 105 2014: 47-58.
  • Riumallo Herl C. et al. (2014). Job loss, wealth and depression during the Great Recession in the USA and Europe. International Journal of Epidemiology.
  • Bonfrer, I., Soeters, R., Van de Poel, E., Basenya, O., Longin, G., van de Looij, F., & van Doorslaer, E. (2014). Introduction Of Performance-Based Financing In Burundi Was Associated With Improvements In Care And Quality. Health Affairs, 33(12), 2179-2187.
  • Bonfrer, I., Van de Poel, E., van Doorslaer, E. (2014) The effects of performance incentives on the utilization and quality of maternal and child care in Burundi, Social Science & Medicine, 123:96-104.
  • Borghans, L., Gielen, A., & Luttmer, E. (2014). Social support substitution and the earnings rebound: Evidence from a regression discontinuity in disability insurance reform. American Economic Journal: Economic Policy, 6(4), 34-70.
  • Buisman, L. R., & García-Gómez, P. (2014). Inequity in inpatient healthcare utilisation 10 years after Apartheid. Development Southern Africa, 1-16.
  • Deuchert, E., Cabus, S., & Tafreschi, D. (2014) A Short Note on Economic Development and Socioeconomic Inequality in Female Body Weight, Health Economics, 23: 861–869.
  • de Vries, E., Uribe, C., Pardo, C., Lemmens, V., Van de Poel, E., & Forman, D. (2014). Gastric cancer survival and affiliation to health insurance in a middle-income setting. Cancer Epidemiology.
  • Gielen, A. C., & Ours, J. C. (2014). Unhappiness and job finding. Economica, 81(323), 544-565.
  • Hou, Z., Van de Poel, E., Van Doorslaer, E., Yu, B. and Meng, Q. (2014) Effects of NCMS Coverage on Access to Care and Financial Protection in China, Health Economics, 23: 917–934.
  • Rietveld, C.A., Van Kippersluis, H, Thurik, A.R. (2014) Self-employment and health: Barriers or benefits? Health Economics, DOI: 10.1002/hec.3087
  • Tafreschi, D. (2014) The income body weight gradients in the developing economy of China, Economics & Human Biology.
  • van Baal P., Meltzer D. and Brouwer W. (2014), Future costs, fixed healthcare budgets, and the decision rules of cost-effectiveness analysis, Health Economics, DOI: 10.1002/hec.3138.
  • Van Kippersluis, H., and T.J. Galama (2014), "Wealth and Health Behavior: Testing the Concept of a Health Cost", European Economic Review, 72: 197-220.

  • Baeten S, Van Ourti T, van Doorslaer E (2013). Rising inequalities in income and health in China: Who is left behind? Journal of Health Economics, 32: 1214-1229.
  • Baeten, S, T Van Ourti and E van Doorslaer (2013) The socioeconomic health gradient across the life cycle: what role for selective mortality and institutionalization?, Social Science and Medicine, 97: 66-74.
  • Bonfrer, I.E.J., Poel, E. van de, Grimm, M., Doorslaer, E.K.A. van (2013). Does the distribution of health care utilization match needs in Africa?, Health Policy and Planning, 17 pp., d.d. 10-10-2013
  • De Meijer, C, M Koopmanschap, O O'Donnell, E van Doorslaer (2013). Health Expenditure Growth: Looking beyond the Average through Decomposition of the Full Distribution, Journal of Health Economics, 32(1): 88–105.
  • Flores G., Ir P., Men C.R., O'Donnell O., van Doorslaer E. (2013) Financial Protection of Patients through Compensation of Providers: The Impact of Health Equity Funds in Cambodia. Journal of Health Economics, 32(6): 1180-1193.
  • Flores, G., & O'Donnell, O. (2013). Catastrophic medical expenditure risk. The Lancet, 381, S49.
  • Galama, T.J., Kapteyn, A., Fonseca, R., Michaud, P.C. (2013). A Health Production Model with Endogenous Retirement, Health Economics, 22(8): 883-902.
  • García-Gómez, P., H. van Kippersluis, O. O'Donnell, and E. van Doorslaer (2013), "Long Term and Spillover Effects of Health Shocks on Employment and Income", Journal of Human Resources, 48(4): 873-908.
  • Garcia-Gomez P., Schokkaert E., Van Ourti T. (2013) Reference value sensitivity of measures of unfair health inequality, Research on Economic Inequality, 21: 157-192.
  • Ravesteijn, B., van Kippersluis, H., van Doorslaer, E. (2013) The contribution of occupation to health inequality, Research on Economic Inequality, 21: 311–332.
  • Van Ours, J.C., J. Williams, D. Fergusson and L.J. Horwood (2013) Cannabis use and suicidal ideation, Journal of Health Economics, 32 (3), 524-537.

  • Bleichrodt, H., Rohde, K.I.M. & Ourti, T.G.M. Van (2012). An Experimental Test of the Concentration Index. Journal of Health Economics 31: 86-98.
  • De Meijer C.A.M., Majer I.M., Koopmanschap M.A., and van Baal P.H. (2012) Forecasting Lifetime and Aggregate Long-Term Care Spending: Accounting for Changing Disability Patterns. Medical Care 50(8): 722-729.
  • Erreygers, G., Clarke, P. & Ourti, T.G.M. Van (2012). Mirror, mirror, on the wall, who in this land is fairest of all? – Distributional sensitivity in the measurement of socioeconomic inequality in health. Journal of Health Economics 31: 257-270.
  • Gielen, A.C., Tatsiramos, K. (2012) Quit behavior and the role of job protection. Labour Economics, 19 (4): 624-632.
  • Hendriks M.E., Wit F.W., Roos M.T., Brewster L.M., Akande T.M., de Beer I.H., Mfinanga S.G., Kahwa A.M., Gatongi P., Van Rooy G., Janssens W., Lammers .J, Kramer B., Bonfrer I.E.J., Gaeb E., van der Gaag J., Rinke de Wit T.F., Lange J.M., Schultsz C. (2012) Hypertension in sub-Saharan Africa: cross-sectional surveys in four rural and urban communities, 7(3):e32638, PLoS One.
  • Kok R., Avendano Pabon M., Bago d’Uva T., and Mackenbach J. (2012). Can reporting heterogeneity explain differences in depressive symptoms across Europe? Social Indicators Research 105: 191-210
  • Luczak J, García-Gómez P (2012). Financial burden of drug expenditures in Poland. Health Policy, 105: 256-264.
  • Van de Poel, E, O O'Donnell, E Van Doorslaer (2012). Is there a health penalty of China's rapid urbanization? Health Economics, 21, 4, pages 367–385
  • Van de Poel E, Van Doorslaer E, O'Donnell O (2012). Measurement of inequity in health care with heterogeneous response of use to need. Journal of Health Economics 31(4): 676-89.
  • Van Ourti T, Erreygers G, Clarke p (2012). Techniques for measuring equality and equity in health and health care, in Culyer T, Tsuchiya A, Wildman J (eds), prepared for the Elsevier Online Encyclopaedia of Health Economics
  • O’Donnell, O, E van Doorslaer and A Wagstaff (2012). Decomposition of inequalities in health and health care, In: AM Jones (Ed.), The Elgar Companion to Health Economics, 2nd Edition, Edward Elgar, Cheltenham, chapter 17, 2012, 179-191.
  • Van Ours, J.C. and J. Williams (2012) The effect of cannabis use on physical and mental health, Journal of Health Economics, 31, 564-577.

  • Bago d’Uva T, M Lindeboom, O O'Donnell, E van Doorslaer. Education-related Inequity in Health Care with Heterogeneous Reporting of Health. Journal of the Royal Statistical Society Series A 2011; 174(3): 639–664.
  • Bago d’Uva T, M Lindeboom, O O'Donnell, E van Doorslaer. (2010) Slipping Anchor? Testing the Vignettes Approach to Identification and Correction of Reporting Heterogeneity. Journal of Human Resources, 46, 4, 872-903.
  • Casado D, García-Gómez P, López-Nicolás Á (2010), Informal care and labour force participation among middle-aged women in Spain. SERIEs: Journal of the Spanish Economic Association, 2011, 1: 1-29.
  • De Meijer, C, M Koopmanschap, T Bago d’Uva and E van Doorslaer (2010), Determinants of Long-Term Care spending: ageing, Time-To-Death or disability? Journal of Health Economics, 30, 425–438
  • Erreygers G, Van Ourti T (2011). Putting the cart before the horse. A comment on Wagstaff on inequality measurement in the presence of binary variables. Health Economics, 20, 1161-1165.
  • Erreygers G, Van Ourti T (2011). Measuring socioeconomic inequality in health, health care and health financing by means of rank-dependent indices: a recipe for good practice. Journal of Health Economics, 30(4), 685-694.
  • García-Gómez, P. (2011), Institutions, health shocks and labour market outcomes across Europe. Journal of Health Economics, 30: 200-231.
  • García-Gómez P, von Gaudecker H-M, Lindeboom M. (2011), Health, disability and work: patterns for the working age population. International Tax and Public Finance, 18: 146-165.
  • Van Ourti T, Clarke P. (2011), A simple correction to remove the bias of the Gini coefficient due to income grouping. Review of Economics and Statistics, 982-994.
  • Van Doorslaer E, Van Ourti T (2011). “Chapter 35: Measuring inequality and inequity in health and health care”. in Smith, P. and Glied, S., The Oxford Handbook of health economics, Oxford, Oxford University Press, 837-869.
  • Van Kippersluis, H., O. O'Donnell, and E. van Doorslaer (2011). "Long Run Returns to Education: Does Schooling Lead to an Extended Old Age?" Journal of Human Resources, 46(4): 695-721.
  • Van Kippersluis H, van Doorslaer E (2011). Langer leren om langer te leven? Economisch-Statistische Berichten, 96, 512-519.

  • Boldrin M, P García Gómez, and S Jiménez Martín, Social Security incentives, exit from the workforce and entry of the young. In: J Gruber and DA Wise, ed. Social Security Programs around the World: The relationship to youth employment. University of Chicago Press, 2010.
  • Clarke P, and T Van Ourti (2010). Calculating the concentration index when income is grouped. Journal of Health Economics, 29(1), 151-157.
  • De Meijer C., Brouwer W., Koopmanschap M., van den Berg B., and van Exel J. (2010) The Value of Informal Care-a further Investigation of the Feasibility of Contingent Valuation in Informal Caregivers. Health Economics 19(7): 755-71.
  • Erdogan Ciftci E, E van Doorslaer, T Bago d'Uva, and FJ van Lenthe (2010) Do self-perceived health changes predict longevity? Social Science and Medicine, 71(11): 1981-88.
  • García Gómez, Pilar, Nigel Rice and Andrew M Jones, Health effects on labour market exits and entries. Labour Economics 2010, 17: 62-76
  • Schokkaert E, Van Ourti T, De Graeve D, Lecluyse A, Van de Voorde C. (2010), Supplemental health insurance and equality of access in Belgium. Health Economics, 19(4), 377-395.
  • Van Doorslaer, E and O O’Donnell, Measurement and explanation of inequality in health and health care in low-income settings, In: McGillivray, M and I Dutta (Eds) Advancing health equity, Palgrave MacMillan, Basingstoke, 2010, Chapter 2, 20-44
  • van Kippersluis H, O'Donnell O, van Doorslaer E, Van Ourti T, Socioeconomic differences in health over the life cycle in an Egalitarian country, Social Science & Medicine 2010, 70(3):428-38

  • Bago d’Uva, T, AM Jones and E van Doorslaer, Measurement of horizontal inequity in health care utilisation using European panel data, Journal of Health Economics, 2009, 28(2): 280-289
  • Casado, David, García Gómez, Pilar and Ángel López Nicolás. Labour and income effects of caregiving across Europe. Moneda y Crédito 2009, 228: 197-225
  • de Meijer, C, M Koopmanschap, X Koolman, E van Doorslaer, The Role of Disability in Explaining Long-Term Care Utilization, Medical Care, 2009, 47(11): 1156-63.
  • Lecluyse A, Van de Voorde C, De Graeve D, Schokkaert E, Van Ourti T (2009). Hospital supplements in Belgium: price variation and regulation. Health Policy, 92, 276-287.
  • Leung GM, Tin KYK, O’Donnell O (2009), Redistribution or horizontal equity in Hong Kong’s mixed public-private health system: a policy conundrum. Health Economics, 18(1): 37-54.
  • McGrail, K, E van Doorslaer, C Sanmartin and N Ross, Why are income-related health inequalities in Canada lower than in the United States? A decomposition analysis, American Journal of Public Health, 2009, 99(10):1856-63.
  • O’Donnell, O, A Nicolas Lopez and E van Doorslaer, Growing richer, growing taller: explaining change in the distribution of child height during Vietnam’s economic boom, Journal of Development Economics, 2009, 88 (1): 45–58
  • Van de Poel, O O'Donnell, E van Doorslaer, Urbanization and the spread of diseases of affluence in China, Economics and Human Biology, 2009, 7, 200-216
  • Van de Poel, E, O O’Donnell and E van Doorslaer, What explains the Rural-Urban Gap in Infant Mortality — Household or Community Characteristics? Demography, 2009, 46, 4, 827-850
  • Van Kippersluis, H., Van Ourti, T., O'Donnell, O., van Doorslaer, E. (2009). "Health and Income across the life-cycle and generations in Europe" Journal of Health Economics28(4): 818-830
  • Van Ourti, T, E van Doorslaer and X Koolman, The Effect of Growth and Inequality in Incomes on Health Inequality: Theory and Empirical Evidence from the European Panel, Journal of Health Economics, 2009, 28(3): 525-39

  • Bago d’Uva, T, O O’Donnell and E van Doorslaer, Health reporting by educational level and its impact on the measurement of health inequalities in Europe, International Journal of Epidemiology, 2008
  • Bago d’Uva, T, E van Doorslaer, M Lindeboom, O O’Donnell, Does reporting heterogeneity bias the measurement of health disparities?, Health Economics, 2008 17(3):351-75
  • Flores Pentzke, G, J Krishnakumar, O O’Donnell and E van Doorslaer, Coping with Health Care Costs: Implications for the Measurement of Catastrophic Expenditures and Poverty, Health Economics, 2008, 17(12): 1393-1412
  • Hanley GE, S Morgan, J Hurley, E van Doorslaer, Distributional consequences of the transition from age-based to income-based prescription drug coverage in British Columbia, Canada, Health Economics, 2008, 17(12): 1379-92
  • Jiménez D, PC Smith, E Van Doorslaer, Equity in health and health care in a decentralized context: evidence from Canada, Health Economics, 2008, 17(3):377-92
  • Meheus, F and E van Doorslaer, Socio-economic differences in measles immunization: evidence from Demographic and Health Surveys, Social Science & Medicine, 2008, 66(8): 1709-18
  • O’Donnell, O, E van Doorslaer, R Rannan-Eliya et al (15 authors) Who pays for health care in Asia?, Journal of Health Economics, 2008, 27(2): 460-75
  • Van de Poel E, A.R. Hosseinpoor, N. Speybroeck, T. Van Ourti, J. Vega (2008), Socioeconomic inequality in malnutrition in developing countries, Bulletin of the World Health Organisation, 86(4), 282-291.
  • Van Doorslaer E, Equity in health and health care in Canada: an international perspective, Edited by: Lu, M and E Jonsson (Eds) Financing health care: new ideas for a changing society, Wiley, New York, 2008, 245-272 Van Doorslaer E, Ph Clarke, E Savage, J Hall, Horizontal inequities in Australia’s mixed public/private health care system, Health Policy, 2008, 86(1): 97-108

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