EURO-CEFG Commentaries

The EURO-CEFG Commentaries are a series of publications in which EURO-CEFG research fellows comment on current developments in economic and financial governance. Please find the pdfs of our published commentaries below:


Article — 14 Jan 2015
EURO-CEFG Commentary: Opinion of Advocate General Cruz Villalón in OMT Case

Commentary on the decision of the ECB on quantitative easing

Quantitative Easing in Europe: What it is, why it is legal and how it works

Commentary on the opinion of Advocate General Cruz Villalon in the OMT Case C-62/14

OMT is legal under EU law

Commentary on the Referendum of the United Kingdom to leave the EU and the legal consequences of Brexit

EURO-CEFG Commentary on Brexit.pdf

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