Study Programmes

143 results

  • Dubbelstudie Economie en Recht

    Dubbele bachelor en master in Economie en Recht: Vind je economie en rechten interessant, kun je niet kiezen: Bekijk de opleiding.
  • Econometrics

    Econometrics provides you with in-depth knowledge of econometric theory and skills to use quantitative techniques and empirical econometric analysis.
  • Econometrie en Operationele Research

    Bachelor in Econometrie en Operationele Research: Voor echte puzzelaars: een wiskundige en statistische benadering van economische kwesties.
  • Economics of Markets and Organisations

    Markets and organisations have taken center stage in the economy across the world, making their performance of vital importance for our wellbeing.
  • Economics of Sustainability

    This programme will introduce students to current sustainable development challenges and how the economic systems work with or against them.
  • Economie & Samenleving

    The Bachelor of Economics and Society is a programme with a strong focus on public policy.
  • Economie en Bedrijfseconomie

    Bachelor in Economie en Bedrijfseconomie: Er is geen betere plaats voor economisch talent dan de Erasmus School of Economics: Lees verder.
  • Educatieve Master Primair Onderwijs

    Do you want to teach primary education in a metropolitan context? Then this Dutch master programme is the right fit for you!
  • Educational Psychology: Learning and Performance

    This master's programme offers an integral approach to current issues in the area of learning performance.
  • Engaging Public Issues

    If you're interested in how algorithms can be racist, how your smartphone is a political object, this master programme (MSc) is for you

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