About VSBfonds
VSBfonds is one of the biggest private investment funds in the Netherlands. VSBfonds wants to contribute to a person's individual growth and aim to increase their involvement in today's society. Projects that contribute to this goal will quality for possible funding.
Every year, the VSBFonds offers grants to students wishing to go abroad after graduating (bachelor or master) to continue their studies or research. By way of exception and in consultation with the VSBFonds, non-Dutch students may also be considered for one of these grants. You must demonstrate that you are integrated into Dutch society, have a good knowledge of the Dutch language and plan to return to the Netherlands after your study abroad.
- You recently graduated or you are about to graduate, obtaining at least a bachelor degree;
- Your graduation date falls in between 1 March 2023 and 31 December 2025
- You are wishing to go abroad after graduating (bachelor or master) to continue your studies or research (this grant is not available for exchange and internships abroad);
- You are planning to stay abroad for at least 3 and maximum 24 months;
- You have the Dutch nationality OR you are an international student and meet the following requirements:
- You must demonstrate that you are integrated into Dutch society;
- You have a good knowledge of the Dutch language;
- You plan to return to the Netherlands after your study abroad.
For more information on the selection requirements, visit the VSBfonds website.
Please note: it is not a requirement that you are already admitted to your next study programme.
Applicable to:
- Nationalities: all nationalities
- Your graduation date: falls between 1 March 2023 and 31 December 2025
- Partcipating faculties: all faculties
- Level of study: Bachelor graduate and Mater graduate
€ 7.000 - € 10.000
Follow these steps to apply:
- Download and complete the application form;
- Inform yourself about the application requirements;
- Make sure to gather all the required documents listed in the application form;
- Also include a recent overview of your study results by exporting the data from Osiris Student.
The selection procedure consists of an oral and writing part. The writing procedure takes place at the beginning of March. Interviews with the selection committee will be held on 26 and 27 March 2024. A telephone interview is not possible.
Deadline: 1 March 2025
Email: scholarships@eur.nl
Website: VSB Fonds (in Dutch)