Board year student organisation

Tinbergen gebouw

For whom?

You can get a student representative grant if you are a board member of a student organisation. You will receive this grant through your student organisation via a lump sum. You do not need to apply for this grant individually.

Payment of the lump sum

The University provides a set number of months of student representative grants to each eligible organisation. The total amount paid to an organisation is disbursed as a lump sum. The organisation is responsible for paying out the student representative grant to board members.

Amount of the board membership grant

The amount of the lump sum depends on the number of months of student representative grant that the Executive Board awards to the student organisation, based on the amount of members of the organisation.
Students who receive a supplementary grant from DUO, indicate this on the application of the association. These students will be approached individually to apply for the additional board membership grant, in addition to the grant via the lump sum. The additional supplementary grant is paid individually and is not part of the lump sum.


The organisation will receive a letter on how to apply for the student representative grant (lump sum) mid-august. You do not need to apply individually. The board must request the lump sum for 1 December of the board year.

See this page to apply as a fulltime board member for the tuition fee exemption.

Regulations Financial Support Fund

The information on this webpage is based on the Financial Support Fund. The policy Profileringsfonds provides financial compensation for study delay due to personal circumstances, grants and fee waivers. The regulations are on our website.

For more information about taxes and the financial support fund, see the Income Tax Act (Wet inkomstenbelasting) article 3.104.Opens external

Further information

For more information, please contact the Secretariat of Education & Student Affairs.



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