EUR-minors for students from other universities

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Are you an external student and would you like to experience another way of thinking, to work with other students and to get to know another city? Apply for a minor at the EUR. The EUR yearly offers almost 70 broadening minors, so whether you want to broaden your horizon or specialize yourself, there is always a minor for you. Whichever you choose, Minor = More!

On this page you’ll find information about the minors offered, how to apply, how to change minors, deregister from a minor and other practical matters (such as minor period and EC).

Are you a student from Leiden or Delft? Please check the information on the page for students from Leiden or Delft

The EUR yearly offers almost 70 broadening minors available to external students. Check all the minors offered at eduXchange.

EUR-minors are 15 EC and are taught in the first 10 weeks of the academic year. There are some exceptions, take a look at eduXchange for 30 EC minors.

In the admissions matrix below, you can see if a minor is open to external students. Check it carefully before you register for a minor.

You can register for an EUR-minor between 15 May up to 31 May 2024 in OSIRIS Aanmeld.

Never studied at the EUR before? To register for an EUR-minor, you first need to make an account in OSIRIS Aanmeld. After you have made an account, you will receive your ERNA-information and a student e-mail account from the EUR. All communication will be with your EUR-studentmail. Use your ERNA-information to log in to your EUR studentmail.

After your account has been made, you can register from 15 May for an EUR-minor via OSIRIS Aanmeld.

Have you been a student at the EUR before? 
Please activate your ERNA again via the ESSC. After you have settled the activation of your ERNA, please use this link to use your account in OSIRIS Aanmeld. If it doesn't work, please send us a message via ASKErasmus (FAQ’s button at the bottom of the page). Clearly state:

  • which minor you are going to follow
  • your name and -if possible- your student number from the EUR.

Permission home university 
With your applicatin you need to enclose a statement of consent by your own Exam Commission. Stating that you are allowed to enter the EUR-minor in your exam program. Without this statement, we can not process your application. Request this statement in time. It is not possible to upload this statement after 31 May.

Additional information:

  • Check the minor admissions matrix, whether the minor of your choice is open to external students.
  • You can register for a maximum of 1 minor.
  • With your application in OSIRIS Aanmeld you need to upload a scan of the statement of consent by your own Exam Commission.
  • Registering does not guarantee that you will be placed on a minor.
  • In the beginning of July you will receive an e-mail (on your EUR-mail account)if  you have been placed on the minor of your choice.
  • In order to follow an EUR-minor, you need to have an active bachelor registration with another Dutch higher education institute. If you are placed on an EUR-minor, you need to prove that you have an active bachelor registration, by providing a Bewijs Betaald Collegegeld (BBC). Apply for a BBC at your home institution and request it to be sent by email to the Erolment, Deregistration & Funding department of EUR.

Please keep in mind: there are limited places for external students. We advise you to have alternative options.

You can apply for a maximum of 1 broadening minor at the EUR.

It is not possible to change minors.

Would you like to deregister from your minor at the EUR? Please contact the Central Minor Coordination by sending us a message via ASKErasmus (FAQ’s button at the bottom of the page). Clearly state:

  • which minor you are going to follow
  • your name and -if possible- your student number from the EUR.

What else should you know about a minor at the EUR?

You can follow a minor at the beginning of your third bachelor year. A minor is a coherent package of subjects/courses, with which you specialize or broaden your horizon.

At the EUR we offer both broadening and deepening minor. For external students only broadening minors are available. Please explore minors at eduXchange

The minor education is given in the first 10 weeks of the academic year. This means that the minor period at the EUR is from September till the beginning of November. For some 30EC minors the minor period ends in January or February. Resits are in the summer (beginning of July).


Minors at the EUR are 15 EC. There are some exceptions please take a look at eduXchange for 30 EC minors. Following a minor requires a full-time commitment (40 hours per week) during the first 10 weeks of the academic year. It is not possible to follow other courses during this period

At the EUR, the schedules will be announced late July or at the beginning of August. You can find the schedule of your minor at

All education and examination will be in the first 10 weeks of the academic year. Resits are in the summer.

It is not possible to follow two minors at the same time. All minors are taught in the same period. Following a minor requires a full-time commitment (40 hours per week) during the first 10 weeks of the academic year. 

Please contact a study advisor at your own university.

In the beginning of July you will receive an e-mail on your EUR-studentmail account, stating whether or not you have been placed on the minor of your choice.   

You need to hand in an original Proof of Tuition Fee Payment/Bewijs Betaald Collegegeld (BBC) from you own institute. Apply for a BBC at your home institution and request it to be sent by email to the Enrolment, Deregistration & Funding department of EUR.

Be advised: when you email the document, you remain responsible for the timely delivery of the document.


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