Would you like to experience another way of thinking, to work with other students and to get to know another city? Register for a minor at EUR. The EUR yearly offers almost 70 broadening minors, so whether you want to broaden your horizon or specialize yourself, there is always a minor for you. Whichever you choose, Minor = More!
On this page you’ll find information about the minors offered, how to apply, how to change minors, deregister from a minor and other practical matters (such as minor period and EC).
LUMC-student? Check the possibilities for following a minor at the ErasmusMC!
The EUR yearly offers almost 70 broadening minors available to students from Leiden University and TU Delft. Check all the minors offered at eduXchange.
EUR-minors are 15 EC and are taught in the first 10 weeks of the academic year. There are few exceptions, view the minor offerings at eduXchange for 30 EC minors.
Be advised: check with your own university which EUR-minors are open to you, based on your bachelor program.

As a student from Leiden or Delft you can register for an EUR-minor via eduXchange from 15 May 13:00 hrs up to 30 June 23:59 hrs 2025.
Points of attention:
- You can have a maximum of 1 minor registration per academic year.
- You can only register for broadening EUR-minors. Deepening EUR-minors are not open to students from Leiden or Delft.
- Check with your own university which EUR-minors are open to you, based on your bachelor program
- If you are placed on a EUR-minor all communication shall be through your EUR studentaccount.
If you want to change or deregister from a minor you can manage this yourself with your EUR studentaccount in OSIRIS Student. You cannot deregister via eduxchange or your own university.
Would you rather take another minor at EUR? Then you can still register within the registration period
via eduXchange. After the registration period, it is no longer possible to register for a minor at EUR.
Did you decide to not follow an EUR-minor? Please deregister with your EUR studentaccount in OSIRIS Student.
On this page you can find more information about following a minor at the EUR.
You can follow a minor at the beginning of your third bachelor year. A minor is a coherent package of subjects/courses, with which you specialize or broaden your horizon.
At the EUR we offer both broadening and deepening minor. For students from Leiden University and TU Delft only the broadening minors are available. Via eduXchange you can register for a minor at EUR.
The minor education is given in the first 10 weeks of the academic year. This means that the minor period at the EUR is from September till the beginning of November. Resits are in the summer (beginning of July).
The minor education at the TU Delft is given in the first 20 weeks of the academic year. At the University of Leiden the education can take place during the whole academic year. Please the schedules from the minors in Leiden and Delft and the joint-LDE minors, avoid overlap with compulsory courses in your bachelor's degree.
Minors at the EUR are 15 EC. There are some exceptions, take a look at eduXchange for 30 EC minors. Following a minor requires a full-time commitment (40 hours per week) during the first 10 weeks of the academic year. It is not possible to follow other courses during this period
Minors at the TU Delft are 30 EC, some minors are also available in a 15 EC version.
Minors at Leiden University are 30 EC, most minors are also available in a 15 EC version.
At the EUR, the schedules will be announced late July or at the beginning of August. You can find the schedule of your minor at courses.eur.nl
All education and examination will be in the first 10 weeks of the academic year. Resits are in the summer.
It is not possible to follow two minors at the same time. All minors are taught in the same period. Following a minor requires a full-time commitment (40 hours per week) during the first 10 weeks of the academic year.
Please contact a study advisor at your own university.
For LUMC-students it is possible to follow a deepening minor at the ErasmusMC. Specially for these students, a limited number of places is reserved, on a limited number of minors.
Ask which deepening minors at ErasmusMC are available to you, by contacting Half-minors@Lumc.nl. Applying for such a minor is also done by contacting Half-minors@Lumc.nl.
The LUMC and ErasmusMC together will decide which students will be placed on a minor. If you are placed on a ErasmusMC minor, you will receive a receive a request to upload a passphoto. You will receive this request half June, please upload the passphoto as soon as possible. This formalizes your guest registration at the EUR.
Be advised: deepening minors from the ErasmusMC are not available for other external students.