English Deep Dives

Registration is open
Engels - Language & Training Centre (2017)


There are two Deep Dives available to choose from: Academic Writing and General Writing. Do you have trouble writing academic texts? Then the Deep Dive into Academic Writing is for you. Do you know what you want to say, but sometimes have trouble finding the right words or setting the right tone? Then the Deep Dive into General Writing is something for you.

These Deep Dives are self-studies. You will get access for six months to the course environment on Canvas. There you can go through the material in your own time and at your own pace. 

Deep Dive: Academic Writing - General issues and solutions 

Do you struggle with writing academic texts? Have you got a good understanding of the fundamentals, but have difficulty fine-tuning your papers? Then this Deep Dive into Academic Writing is for you!

In this eight-part deep dive into the ins and outs of Academic Writing, you will be guided through the most important issues facing academic writers today. You will learn about different text types and their formats, as well as how to choose the right level of vocabulary and write cleaner, more concise sentences. In addition to this, you will be given many tips on how to improve the structure and coherence of your academic texts. The eight units include video lessons and a selection of curated material to explain the theory.

Deep Dive: General Writing - Issues and effective communication

Do you struggle with getting your point across in emails, reports and proposals? You know what you want to say, but sometimes you have difficulty finding the right words, or setting the correct tone. If this sounds familiar, then this Deep Dive into General Writing is for you.

In this eight-part deep dive into the ins and outs of General English Writing, you will be guided through the most commonly occurring issues in business writing today. You will learn about different text types and their formats, as well as how to set the correct tone for your audience. In addition to this, you will be given many tips on how to improve your vocabulary, your use of punctuation, and how to follow the rules of etiquette in English business communication. The eight units include video lessons and a selection of curated material to explain the theory.

Course information

Registration deadlineNo deadline
Duration6 months access to the Canvas environment
LanguageThe Deep Dives are English
Mode of instructionOnline
Course feeStudents and employee: €25,- 
Terms & conditionsBy registering for this course you agree to our requirements and general terms and conditions. For questions, check out our FAQ pagina


Email address
010 4081997

Whatsapp: +31 (0) 610604467

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