Student organisations

Groep studenten lopen op Campus Woudestein

Student organisations are an important part of the student life. They organise a lot of activities in which you can partake. It is an easy way to meet new people. More often than not friendships for life are formed. Do you want to become a member? See the overview below for a list of student organisations of Erasmus University Rotterdam.

In Rotterdam you will find numerous student associations and organisations you can join. Many of them are recognized by Erasmus University Rotterdam. Do you want to know which student organizations there are at Erasmus University Rotterdam? View the overview of student associations and organizations below. *

* No rights can be derived from this overview.

Are you a board member of a student association of Erasmus University Rotterdam? Do you want to start a student organization? Or would you like to know more about the facilities for student associations and student activities? Via the links below you will find all the information you need about tuition-free board membership, individual board grants and board grants.

Regulations for recognition of student organisation

The code of conduct contains general agreements about the desired culture as a guideline for all student associations, faculty and study associations, sport associations and other student organisations. This code of conduct is part of the Recognition regulations, whereby associations receive grants and can make use of facilities at Erasmus University.
If you have questions about the code of conduct, please contact the contact person Bram Henssen.

As a student organization you can use various facilities of the university, such as booking available rooms via Event & Room Booking.

The student social associations that organize an introduction with a hazing character, are in contact with the HO student association committee. They organise a dialogue with the associations to make them aware of what is and what is not acceptable and encourage them to make the introduction safe. The associations also have a code of conduct for this, which they sign together with EUR, Hogeschool Rotterdam and Hogeschool InHolland.

Code of conduct introduction period

We would also like to point out a number of practical matters that apply to all EUR students. As board you might have to deal with these issues, such as help for students with psychological problems, the EUR confidential counsellor in the event of harassment and the EUR policy about diversity and inclusion.

Student associations and organisations

Below is an overview of the student associations and organisations associated with Erasmus University Rotterdam.

Each faculty has at least one study or faculty association. Some have only one association for the entire faculty, while in other faculties, each program has its own student organization.

AEclipse is the study association for masters students at the Department of General Economics of the Erasmus School of Economics.

The official study association for economics students of Erasmus School of Economics.
The mission of EFR is to bridge the gap between theory and practice for our more than 6500 members and to remain one of the most active and most professional study associations of the Netherlands.

The official study association for econometrics students of Erasmus School of Economics.
With over 1900 members FAECTOR is the largest and most prestigious association for econometrics students worldwide! We enrich the student experience of all econometricians in the broadest sense of the word

The goal of the Financial Study association Rotterdam is to create a link between theory - as taught at university - and the versatile financial world in practice.

In Duplo
In Duplo is the study association for students who follow the Economics & Law programme at EUR.

MAEUR is the recognized marketing study association of Erasmus University Rotterdam, that allows any student with an interest in marketing to be more familiar with the field through a variety of career and networking events.

R.F.V. Christiaanse-Taxateur
Our study association endeavors to bridge the gap between the university and a career as well as between students from the school of economics and the school of law (tax economics and tax law), by organizing formal and informal activities.

Study association Transito organises social and career related events for students of the Master Programme Urban, Port and Transport Economics.


Medische Faculteitsvereniging Rotterdam MFVR
The MFVR (Medical Study Association of Rotterdam) is the association for students at the Erasmus MC faculty; we offer a variety of activities and committees which can be placed under our 3 pillars, social, education and broadening.

IFMSA-Rotterdam is a foundation where students are committed to the development of future healthcare professionals and improving the global health through local activities and projects.

VCMS Rotterdam
The goal of the Dutch Surgical Society for Medical Students (VCMS) Rotterdam is to provide a platform for motivated medical students to explore and deepen their interest of surgery with masterclasses and practical workshops.

Stola focuses on getting medical students interested and involved in health care and related problems in developing countries.

Student Union Research Masters 
SURE aims: the organization of various events for the members of the association for both social and educational aspects of the research students at Erasmus MC in Rotterdam.
Address: Dr. Molewaterplein 50, 3015 GE, Rotterdam

Faculty Association SHARE
Faculty Association SHARE aims to provide all students from the Erasmus School of Health Policy and Management with (non)study-related activities, fun and an environment that enriches their study path.

International Faculty Association ACE is the Faculty Association of the Erasmus School of History, Culture and Communication (ESHCC), and its main goals are to organise study-related activities for the ESHCC students, such as study trips, excursions, workshops, expositions and drinks.

Juridische Faculteitsvereniging Rotterdam JFR
The Judicial Faculty association Rotterdam (‘JFR’) is the study association for law students at Erasmus School of Law, and organises both formal and informal activities with a legal foundation for more than 4400 members.

Criminologie in Actie
Criminologie In Actie is the association for Criminology students and focuses on bringing students, involved departments and professionals working in the field of Criminology in touch with each other.

Astrea organizes activities for the students who participate in the EHLC (Honoursprogram) to deepen their understanding of law and to expand their horizons.

In Duplo (ESE/ESL/RSM)
In Duplo is the study association for students who follow the mr.drs. or the double degree.

Stichting Belastingwinkel Rotterdam (ESL/ESE)
SBR provides free tax advice to the less fortunate in and around Rotterdam.

R.F.V. Christiaanse-Taxateur
Our study association endeavors to bridge the gap between the university and a career as well as between students from the school of economics and the school of law (tax economics and tax law), by organizing formal and informal activities.

Wijsgerige Faculteitsvereniging ERA
ERA is the faculty association of the Erasmus School of Philosophy and organizes activities for all people associated with the faculty. In addition to bringing the faculty and students closer together, ERA aspires to provide its members with broad academic, social and philosophical support.

Cedo Nulli
Cedo Nulli is the study association for students of the ESSB and provides study, career and recreational events, Cedo Nulli also offers study groups that prepare you for your exam and we represent students in the Faculty Council and in various ESSB programme committees.

Erasmus University College Student Association
The Erasmus University College Student Association (EUCSA) organises the social activities for the students of EUC. EUCSA acts as an umbrella organization for a wide range of committees, run by the members themselves. All these committees together offer a great variety of activities and events for all members.


STAR is the study association of Rotterdam School of Management, Erasmus University, founded to enrich the life of all RSM students.

In Duplo
In Duplo is the study association for students who follow the mr.drs. or the double degree program at EUR

Financiële Studievereniging Rotterdam (ESE/RSM)
The goal of the Financial Study association Rotterdam is to create a link between theory - as taught at university - and the versatile financial world in practice.

MAEUR is the recognized marketing study association of Erasmus University Rotterdam, that allows any student with an interest in marketing to be more familiar with the field through a variety of career and networking events.

The major goal of the Student Representation (SR) is to improve the quality of education at Rotterdam School of Management (RSM) by facilitating and improving the feedback-mechanisms between RSM’s students and its faculty.

Erasmus University has many different student associations that are primarily focused on social activities, all with their own offer, culture and characteristics. These organizations offer you the opportunity to get to know many people from different studies and with different backgrounds.

Rotterdamse Kamer van Verenigingen (R.K.v.V.)

The Rotterdam Chamber of Associations (R.K.v.V.). is the umbrella organization of the five Rotterdam student social associations. The main objective is to represent the associations to external parties such as Erasmus University, HBO-institutions and the municipality of Rotterdam and is the point of contact for the associations

Rotterdamsch Studenten Corps / Rotterdamsche Vrouwelijke Studenten Vereeniging (RSC / RVSV)
With an age of more than 100 years, more than 1600 members, 16 sub-associations and 100 corps houses, the RSC / RVSV is the oldest, largest and most prominent student association in Rotterdam. The RSC / RVSV has a rich unmixed and mixed tradition in which 'friendships for life' are taken for granted with the existence of year clubs, disputes and groups.

Het Rotterdamsch Studenten Gezelschap (RSG)
For over a 100 years, RSG has been a student association where equality, freedom of choice and tradition are important core values.

S.S.R.-Rotterdam is a student-association in the city center of Rotterdam. We provide a place where you can escape from everyday life with friends and where every member is a familiar face.

R.S.V. Sanctus Laurentius
With over 105 years of traditions, 1200 active members, a gigantic network consisting of both old and new members and endless possibilities for self-development, R.S.V. Laurentius is a home for a fantastic time during your student years.

Navigators Studentenvereniging Rotterdam (NSR)
Navigators Studentenvereniging Rotterdam (NSR) is the largest christian student association in Rotterdam, with more than 300 members. Together as christians, we discover how we can live in the midst of the vibrant student society in Rotterdam. Our own clubhouse situated at Eendrachtsplein, gives us the opportunity to have an in-depth conversation accompanied by a nice beer!

Erasmus Studentenkoor Rotterdam
Erasmus Student Choir (ESK) is an international choir consisting of around 40 members with whom we rehearse weekly, perform at various events, and organize fun activities!

RISK: studenten toneel vereniging
RISK is a theatre association that provides theatrical productions and social activities for students in Rotterdam.

WILDe: English Theatre Club
WILDe Theatre is an international theatre group of EUR, whereby people with an aspiration towards theatre and movie making gather together to share their art skills, to produce short films and to stage theatrical performances.

Erasmus Dance Society
Erasmus Dance Society is the largest community of dancing students in the Netherlands and organize a variety of different dance classes, workshops, social events, galas and much more! 

There are more than 20 sports associations at Erasmus University Rotterdam. Most of these use the many sports facilities that the Erasmus Sports Center offers on Woudestein campus,

Badminton Vereniging Erasmus
Badminton Association Erasmus is the student badminton club where fun is combined with performance.

Erasmus Basketball Vereniging Baros
Erasmus Basketbal Associaton Baros is Rotterdam's student basketball association, we aim to unite all students with a love for the game, whatever their skill level!

Rotterdamse Studenten Boksvereniging Erasmus Boxing
RSBV Erasmus Boxing is the boxing association for students

Rotterdamse Studenten Alpine club (RSAC)
Alpine club-klimvereniging

Erasmus Dance Society
Erasmus Dance Society is the largest community of dancing students in the Netherlands and organize a variety of different dance classes, workshops, social events, a gala and much more!

Rotterdamsche Studenten Rijvereeniging Marcroix
R.S.R. Marcroix is the association for students with a passion for horses and who want to engage in lots of social activities.

Erasmus Esports
We want to provide the competitive and the socials gamers of the Erasmus University with an environment in which they can meet other gamers, watch live events, compete in tournaments and competitions and above all be able to game together.

Erasmus Extreme Sports Association EE
Discover yourself, challenge yourself, capture the moment and share it with other extremers.

Rotterdam Student Golf Association Sweetspot
Affordable and accessible golf, it is all possible at R.S.G.A. Sweetspot - the student golf association of Rotterdam!

Rotterdamse Studenten Turn Vereniging Euroturn
Euroturn is a fun student gymnastics association for beginners and advanced gymnasts, with nice social drinks and competitions.

Erasmus Hockey Vereniging Never Less
Mixed teams, competition on Monday evening, many activities and parties: make lifelong friendships at student hockey association Never Less!

Z.Z.V. Rotterdamse Studenten
RS is an indoor futsal club for students in Rotterdam with Campus Woudestein as it's home base.

Rotterdamse Studenten Korfbal Vereniging Erasmus
R.S.K.V. Erasmus combines the typical Dutch sport Korfball and fun activities.

Erasmus Padel Association
The Erasmus Padel association has been founded in 2020. Padel fanatics, who were studying at Erasmus University, decided to set up an association for other padel fanatics to play matches against each other and to have a club evening every once in a while.

Algemene Rotterdamse Studenten Roeivereniging Skadi
Rowing is the typical Dutch student sport and since 1926 A.R.S.R. SKADI has achieved top results at both national regattas up to the Olympic Games and has created friendships to last a lifetime.

Rotterdamse Studenten Rugby Club RSRC
Ambitious student rugby club with a strong (traditional) social character

Erasmus University Rotterdam Roadrunners
The EUR-Roadrunners is the student running club of Rotterdam for students who like to improve their running skills and enjoy running with a group.

Rotterdamse Studenten Zeil Vereniging 'De Zeil' RSZV
The Rotterdam Student Sailing Association "De Zeil" is a sailing association especially for students.

E.S.S.V. Alcedo is the student speedskate association for students in the Rotterdam area.

Rotterdamse Studenten Voetbalvereniging Antibarbari
Antibarbari is the place for Rotterdam students where performance and pleasure go hand in hand.

Rotterdamse Studenten Squash Vereniging Tick in de Nick
Tick in de Nick is the student Squash Society in Rotterdam

Studenten Zwem- en Waterpolovereniging Ragnar
Ragnar Rotterdam is the student swimming and water polo association of Rotterdam and is open to all students!

Erasmus Table Tennis Association
Erasmus Table Tennis Association provides competitions, fun activities, and a good atmosphere!

Rotterdamse Studenten Tennis Vereniging Passing Shot
The largest student tennis association in The Netherlands with a perfect balance between sports and social activities.

Erasmus Volley
Erasmus Volley offers students the opportunity to participate in a volleyball competition at their level in combination with a flourishing social life.

Association of Students of African Heritage (ASAH)
ASAH has been the first successful Afro-oriented student association of its kind within The Netherlands! Our main purpose is to give students of African Ancestry a voice and representation, however we are open to everyone with an interest or affinity for Africa!

Chinese Student Association (CSA) 
The biggest multicultural student association organising social-, cultural-, educational-, and career-oriented events for anyone with an interest in Chinese business and/or culture. With inclusivity as one of our core values, we wish to create an open community while ensuring the family like feeling. 

Dutch Caribbean Association (DCA)
Organisations of a socially unifying nature 

Erasmus Multicultural Associations (EMA)
Erasmus Multicultural Associations (EMA) is the umbrella organisation which represents, facilitates and coordinates nine cultural and social associations with the aim of promoting diversity and inclusion at the Erasmus University.

ESN Rotterdam (Erasmus Student Network)
Erasmus Student Network (ESN) Rotterdam is the largest international student organisation of EUR and aims to enhance the experiences of all internationally minded students, both local and foreign, by building a strong community.

EHS (Erasmus Hellenic Society)
The Erasmus Hellenic Society (EHS) stands proudly as a testament to unity and cultural enrichment within the vibrant community of Erasmus University Rotterdam. Established in 2021 by a passionate group of Greek students, EHS has blossomed into a thriving association dedicated to fostering a sense of fellowship among Greeks in the city and introducing everyone to the beauty of Greek culture.

EESA (Eastern European Students Associations)
EESA is the association that unites all of the Eastern European cultures and students into a strong, open-minded and welcoming community at Erasmus University Rotterdam.

ISR (International Students Rotterdam)
International Students Rotterdam (ISR) is a culturally diverse family and we aim to provide value to new and current International students with our variety of social and corporate activities.

Mozaik (Turkish student association)
Mozaik is the Turkish student association with the aim to make the study period a fun, pleasant and above all an educational period for all students.

PPI: Indonesian Student Association Rotterdam
PPI is the Indonesian Student Association in Rotterdam! Not only do we wish to promote Indonesian culture in EUR but we also aim to help incoming students make Rotterdam their new home by hosting annual events, talks and more!

SSA (Surinamese Students Abroad)
SSA is an association for students who have an affinity with Suriname and in particular those who leave Suriname (temporarily) for their follow-up studies here in the Netherlands.

SV Avicenna (medical and multicultural)
Student association Avicenna is a medical and multicultural association for all students at the Erasmus University Rotterdam and Erasmus MC.

Internships and volunteering abroad

Integrand is a liaison between student and company by providing internships, career events, training, and a board year allowing students to expand their network, knowledge and experience.

Erasmus Centre For Entrepreneurship: Students
Our mission is to empower aspiring founders and student entrepreneurs to achieve more in their creative journeys, while spreading entrepreneurial thinking on the EUR campus.

Enactus EUR
At Enactus EUR we work on sustainable solutions through social entrepreneurship. As an incubator supporting 7 student-led startups, we offer our ±60 active members the means to create social impact and gain valuable experiences. 

B&R Beurs
B&R Beurs is the largest student investment society of the Netherlands with over 1800 members and our mission is to help students to learn everything about investing.

Solve: Social impact consulting
Solve Consulting advises organizations to increase social impact, by offering the knowledge of socially involved and ambitious students.

Rotterdam Consulting Club (RCC)
The Rotterdam Consulting Club (RCC) is the student organization focused on preparing EUR students for a career in consulting.

Academisch adviesbureau UniPartners Rotterdam
Unipartners is a non-profit consultancy organisation. We provide students the opportunity to put their theoretical knowledge into practice as a consultant. At the same time, we offer firms a fresh perspective on different challenges they are facing.

Turing Students Rotterdam (TSR)
Turing Students Rotterdam (TSR) aims at making technology and programming accessible to all students. We do so by providing programming courses and organizing different professional and social events.

Erasmus Tech Community
With the purpose to inspire EUR students to 'Understand & Create Tomorrow', Erasmus Tech Community provides a physical and digital space for learning about the latest innovations disrupting society and prepares individuals to leverage their knowledge in tomorrow's tech-centric world.

Graduate Entrepeneur Fund
We invest in the brightest minds and guide them to the top with a team of professionals and students; a unique and refreshing combination.

Women’s Business Network
The Women’s Business Network (WBN) is a study association that offers a platform for ambitious female students and graduates at the EUR. Our association is established as a response to the growing demand for diversity within businesses and society. Our goal is to become a platform where we can connect young talented female students and graduates with the right companies as well as mentors and alumni. We want to empower young women to become successful leaders in the world of business. Through WBN, members are able to find their career direction, develop their professional network and skills, and take their first step in launching their careers. 

Christelijke studentenvereniging
To advance the gospel of Jesus and His Kingdom into the student world.

C.S.V. Ichthus Rotterdam
Ichthus Rotterdam is a small, christian group, focused on meeting each other and exploring our faith.

The VGSR is a Christian student association in Rotterdam with the perfect combination between study and fun.

C.S.F.R. Rotterdam, dispuut Ichthus
C.S.F.R. Rotterdam, dispuut Ichthus is a student association for Christian students in Rotterdam

Iqra: Islamic student association
Student association Iqra is an emancipatory student association that works from the core values; Islamic, Academic and Rotterdam.

The Jewish Student Association
The Jewish Student Association is a culturally rich family, where Jewish Students feel at home away from home. Our vibrant community gets to enjoy social events while celebrating Jewish heritage. 
Instagram: @jsarotterdam

Erasmus Pride
Erasmus Pride is the LGBTQ+-student association in Rotterdam with countless social drinks, movie nights, pub crawls and many more activities!

Socrates Rotterdam- The student association for 'high potentials' in Rotterdam.

In de Smitse (campus cafe)
The nicest campus-pub of the Netherlands: For students, by students

Extraordinary Life
Extraordinary life creates a community of students that are interested in personal growth and meaningful engagement through a variety of workshops and interactive events!

Erasmus Sustainability Hub
Erasmus Sustainability Hub (ESH) is the center for all sustainability efforts at the Erasmus University Rotterdam and beyond. We stimulate sustainable knowledge, actions, and initiatives. Besides Fashion, Food&Agriculture, and Consulting, we also support startups on campus with our program, ESH Impact Incubator.

The HonEURs association
HonEURs unites the most talented and ambitious students on campus to strive further.

Erasmus debating society
At the Erasmus Debating Society we debate a wide variety of topics, ranging from politics to economics to human rights. Beside our regular Monday evening debates, we have drinks, events and workshops. Students from any faculty and nationality are welcome, since we love to hear unique and differing opinions!

The New Fashion Society
The New Fashion Society is driven by the idea of combining fashion and business and aims to create an environment where like-minded students from all disciplines are brought together through a wide range of professional events.

Positieve Impact Society Erasmus (PISE)
Empowering students to do immense good, through the principles of Effective Altruism

UNICEF Student Team Rotterdam (USTR)
USTR is a student-led UNICEF volunteer group based in Rotterdam that provides students with a platform to create positive and impactful change for children's well-being. Our team consists of a variety of ambitious and committed students from several faculties. Together, we are responsible for spreading awareness and raising funds on behalf of UNICEF NL. Throughout the academic year, we organize numerous events and campaigns that further our mission, which you can always attend or volunteer in.

If you are interested in scientific, social and cultural programs throughout the year without becoming a member of a student organisation, keep your eyes open for what Studium Generale has to offer you. Studium Generale is part of Erasmus University Rotterdam and offers lectures and debates, monthly talk shows, cultural and scientific events and a wide range of cultural courses and performances, both on campus and in the city.

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