
26 results

  • Economie en Bedrijfseconomie

    Bachelor in Economie en Bedrijfseconomie: Er is geen betere plaats voor economisch talent dan de Erasmus School of Economics: Lees verder.
  • Fiscale Economie

    Bachelor in Fiscale Economie: Voor vraagstukken die onze belastingcenten raken, is fiscale en juridische kennis hard nodig: Ontdek de studie.
  • Geneeskunde

    Bachelor of Medicine: Making people who are sick better, from diagnosis to treatment. Discover the programme.
  • International Bachelor Arts and Culture Studies

    The International Bachelor Arts and Culture Studies in Rotterdam offers a unique approach to arts and culture.
  • International Bachelor Communication and Media

    International Bachelor Communication and Media: Explore the world of media and its political, economic, and cultural impact.
  • International Bachelor Econometrics and Operations Research

    With mathematics, statistics and economics at its core, this programme enables you to systemically take on real-life economic questions.
  • International Bachelor Economics and Business Economics

    This international programme gives you an extensive understanding of worldwide issues related to economics and business economics.
  • International Bachelor History

    In the International Bachelor History of Erasmus University Rotterdam, you study how history shapes present-day societies and international relations.
  • International Bachelor in Psychology

    International Bachelor in Psychology. Do you strive to understand why humans behave the way they do? Find out more.
  • Klinische Technologie

    Bachelor in Clinical Technology: Medical technology is here to stay in healthcare: Explore the programme.

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