Office space available

A Walk With.. Jantine van der Weerdt

She got some weird looks from her classmates when she enrolled for Technical School – at the time, it was quite rare for girls to choose for technical education after secondary education. Despite those looks, technology always continued to interest Jantine. When she got into contact with the world wide web, she knew for sure: this is what I want to do.

A Walk With.. Jantine van der Weerdt

Now, some years and a dotcom crisis later, Jantine van der Weerdt is founder and CEO of Officebooking: an online tool that helps companies use their office space and facilities more efficiently. Not only rooms, desks and computers, but also coffee, thee, company cars and – in the Netherlands of course – even company bikes are distributed by Officebooking’s software. During a walk alongside the Kralingse Plas we discuss with Jantine what it was like to develop from one of the few girls in Technical School to the CEO of a large tech company. Additionally, we discus show Officebooking is not only a financial benefit for employers, it also improves the job satisfaction of employees.


Jantine also looks back on the executive MBA she followed at the Rotterdam School of Management and tells us more about her negotiation techniques. Her take-away? Some times, when negotiating, you need to have the guts to stand up and walk away from the table.

View the full interview to find out why some companies only use 50% of their office space and join Jantine in contemplating about the future of Officebooking. I’m guessing their office will be flexible.

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