Digital leadership

Success Talks: Digital Leadership

Technology is changing the world at an incredible rate, and it's definitely not slowing down. If governments and institutions can't keep up with developments, who will help protect the world from tech's malicious side-effects? Today we discuss the abstract topic of digital leadership with our guests Li Zhong and Raj Chakraborty.

Erasmus Success Talks: Digital Leadership

Upon admitting that he doesn't know himself, our host Sander Schimmelpenninck opens the conversation with our guests by asking what digital leadership really is.  A good question, as it turns out, because the concept is quite abstract and both Li and Raj approach it from a different perspective. Li Zhong, who is Enterprise Data & AI Specialist at the Microsoft cloud platform Azure, focuses on her field of interest: enabling businesses to create as much value as possible, using modern day technologies. In her job she helps Dutch enterprise organisations, both commercial and public, to create value with technology and data. She experienced first hand that digital transformation requires a lot of change management, and openly discusses how her MBA at the Rotterdam School of Management helped her to oversee that.

Raj, on the other hand, provides us with a more social definition of digital leadership. He is the founder of the Erasmus Tech Community: a community for students, alumni, professors and businesses to discuss and learn from the giant technological innovations that happen around us. He started the community during his MSc Information Management, as he found that despite of the good atmosphere at EUR, there was a lack of attention for technology. He debates that technology is an enabler, and that digital leadership is really about taking that opportunity and using it for good.

Technology and ethics

When combining the two perspectives that Raj and Li put forward, an obvious topic of discussion are the ethical challenges that technology bring to the table. What is the role of the government, or educational institutions when it comes to this? What do we need to change in the future to create a pleasant and fair environment? Our guest discuss topics like regulation, privacy and transparency.

View the full interview to find out more the future of the digital transformation and leadership, and join this ever-ongoing critical debate.

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