How to activate students

Two people at a meeting table, watching someone draw on a smart screen.


Does teaching exhaust you? Are doing the hard work yourself while your students are not? Then enroll for the MicroLab "How to activate students" and learn how to engage students, making learning much more effective, and teaching more relaxed. Whether you are in front of a large or small group of students. You can apply the tools in your teaching as soon as you walk out the door.

Key Facts & Figures

Start date
Monday 1 Jul 2024
3 hours
Instruction language
Mode of instruction

What will you achieve?

  • Design activities to activate your students, considering the learning objectives, group size, diversity of the group and your teaching style.
  • Explain how you guide students through an activity in an effective way.
  • Reflect on the design and execution of your activity.
  • Advice yourself how to deal with future educational challenges, regarding the activation of students.

Start dates

  • Monday 1 Jul 2024

    Time: 09:30 - 12:30 Campus Woudestein - Education Lab | ☀️ MicroLab Summer Festival ☀️
  • Monday 2 Sep 2024

    Time: 09:30 - 12:30 Campus Woudestein
  • Tuesday 11 Feb 2025

    Time: 09:30 - 12:30 Campus Woudestein - Education Lab

Target group and required prior knowledge

The MicroLab is designed for teachers, PhD candidates, tutors or supervisors who want to want to be more intentional about activating students. We focus on both small group- and large group activities, so whether you teach in big lecture halls or small tutorials, this MicroLab is suitable for you. No specific prior knowledge is required.   

Content, Format, and Time Investment 

In preparation for the workshop, you formulate your own challenge regarding activating students. During the interactive workshop (about 3 hours), you will exchange good practices with other teachers and the trainers will provide you with techniques you can use to make your lesson more active. After the workshop, you will have tools to tackle your challenge: you will have knowledge about the way students learn, you will be able to select a suitable activity and you will be able to guide students effectively through these activities.

Earn an Edubadge

At the conclusion of the MicroLab, you can create a Proof of Competence, showing that you will/can put the new skills learned into practice. You can receive an Edubadge, a digital visual certificate that you can share on platforms like LinkedIn, allowing interested parties to click and see what you've done to earn the Edubadge. 


Register for this MicroLab via the registration system. Do you work as a lecturer at Erasmus MC? Then sign up by sending an email to


For questions about MicroLab and registration, please contact Risbo.

Email address

Facts & Figures

Not applicable
Start date
Monday 1 Jul 2024
Application deadline

The application deadline is two weeks before the MicroLab takes place. If registration is no longer possible, please contact to see if there's any spots left.

3 hours
Offered by
Community for Learning & Innovation
Course type
Instruction language
Mode of instruction

Education Lab



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