General contact information

Feel free to use WhatsApp for brief questions; we strive to reply within 8 hours on business days. For more extensive questions or questions related to admissions, please contact us through email.
- WhatsApp us
- Do you want to make an appointment with one of our teams? Please send an email first.
- Location: Sanders Building, 2nd floor.
Looking for a specific team?

There is no need to send your email to multiple email addresses. If necessary, we will make sure to forward your email to the right department.
- Admissions:
- Erasmus+ and exchange:
- Student housing:
- Immigration:
- Orientation and arrival:
- Scholarships:
- International partnerships:
- Communications:
Phone number immigration questions

For assistance, please call us at 0031 10 408 9611. Make sure to have your student number ready. We may request you to send us an email, as advice sometimes requires an examination of documents. Opening hours:
- Monday 13 PM – 15 PM CET
- Wednesday 13 PM – 15 PM CET
- Friday 10 AM - 12 PM CET
Important information for students

Calamities, emergencies and complaints
- In case of an emergency on campus, please call +31 10 408 1100
- In case of an emergency during your exchange (at EUR or abroad), please call +31 (0)6 408 47 882 (24/7)
- Other complaints and notices, please call +31 10 408 88 80
- For urgent assistance in life-threatening situations off campus, please call 112
- In case of a mental health crisis that involves suicidal thoughts, please call 113
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