Press images

Press images are available for download to use in conjunction with media articles about Erasmus University Rotterdam.


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  • The images cannot be used to promote a product or service, and it is not allowed to sell the images.
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  • At your publication you need to state: 'image: Erasmus University Rotterdam'.

Press images Executive Board

  • President: Prof. A.L. (Annelien) Bredenoord

    Annelien Bredenoord is appointed as President of Erasmus University Rotterdam’s Executive Board, commencing 1 September 2024. She is responsible for general governance issues, the university’s strategic policy and international affairs. In addition, created and maintained contact with external parties including government departments and agencies, the business community and other knowledge institutions. 

    (Photo 1) (Photo 2) (Photo 3)

    Annelien Bredenoord
  • Rector Magnificus: Prof. A.J. (Jantine Schuit)

    Professor Jantine Schuit (1964) has been appointed as EUR's new Rector Magnificus as of 1 November 2024. She is responsible for education, research and impact, including academic staff (policy), students and science education.

    Jantine Schuit will be the rector of EUR as of November 1, 2024.
  • Vice-President: Dr. E.M.A. (Ellen) van Schoten

    Ellen van Schoten is appointed as Vice-President of Erasmus University Rotterdam’s Executive Board, commencing 1 January 2021. She is responsible for a portfolio which includes: Finance, Human Resources, Real Estate & Facilities and Information Technology.

    (Photo 1) (Photo 2) (Photo 3)

    Ellen van Schoten in Polak Building.

Press images Campus Woudestein and our students

Besides the press images of the Executive Board, we also have press images available of Campus Woudestein and our students. Have a look at them via the button below.

  • Contact Press Office Erasmus University Rotterdam
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