Lying. We might not want to admit it, but we do it regularly. Sometimes it is a little white lie that does not seem to hurt anyone. And at other times one of ou
Battles in the muddy trenches, countless deaths, widespread disinformation and still no NATO membership. The war in Ukraine has been going on for over three yea
Een conflict met een louche huisbaas, ruzie met je ex of met DUO? Er zijn tal van voorbeelden te bedenken van situaties waarin juridische hulp handig kan zijn.
To celebrate the start of spring, we (Studium Generale & ESN Rotterdam) are again organising our now famous Open Air Cinema. This time we will drop the needle w
Movie trivia, iconic songs, and a full round on the science and facts behind the big screen! Just a small taste of what you’ll need to brush up on before you ta
Come and support your favourite artist! The EURvision Song Contest 2025, organized by EMA, ESN, and SG, is the equivalent of the Eurovision song contest held ev
Erasmus University Rotterdam's academics talk about news and the latest scientific developments in interviews, mini-lectures and demonstrations in Studio Erasmu