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International Bachelor Communication and Media
IBCoM student on campus

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In the past years IBCoM has proven to be a well-established programme that offers its graduates the best chances on the job market. Graduates of the IBCoM programme have a wide range of possibilities. Due to the broad education they receive during their three years of study, students have gained the skills and knowledge to work in a great variety of fields.

Our students end up working as PR-managers, media-analysts, communication advisors, academics, marketeers, policy makers, journalists, brand managers, editors, press officers and more. They find jobs at organisations like Google, Ralph Lauren, Comedy Central, Shell, Unilever, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Unicef.

Graduation Ceremony IBCoM

IBCoM Graduation
IBCoM Graduation
IBCoM Graduation

Career perspective

The reason our alumni are well prepared for the global job market is the international environment IBCoM offers its students. Not only our student population, but also our staff is a mixture of people with different nationalities. Due to the incorporated internship, the IBCoM programme gives students the opportunity to graduate with work experience already on their resumé.

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