Edubadges is the name of the platform for digital certificates for Dutch higher education. The platform is developed by SURF to be safe and reliable when it comes to users’ privacy. Edubadges enables staff of Erasmus University Rotterdam (EUR) to award students and colleagues in education with such a badge, after the successful, validated, completion of an (extra-curricular) activity.
Edubadges for students
For students, edubadges can reward them for successfully participating specifically in extra-curricular activities. EUR therefore does not award edubadges for activities that are part of an official curriculum. It is not intended that students experience more performance pressure or more workload.
For example, the Pre Academic Programme is a summer course that prepares incoming first year students for a successful journey at EUR. In groups, they are led by a team captain who is currently studying at EUR. This is their contact person during and after the programme. Students who become team captains can earn edubadges in this way to get rewarded for their hard work.

Edubadges for teachers
For EUR teachers, edubadges allow EUR to reward teachers for participating in and successfully completing extracurricular activities that add value to our community. Therefore it is important to mention that there is no extra workload involved.
The edubadge ‘How to create a culturally inclusive classroom’ is a good example that shows in what kind of activities teachers can be rewarded with an edubadge.

Development of new badges
Are you an EUR staff member? And do you coordinate an extra-curricular activity for students or an activity to strengthen and/or innovate education for education staff members? Then this activity might qualify for the development of new badges.
How to claim an EduBadge
As an EUR student or employee, you can easily create an account to obtain EduBadges. You can do this through the EduBadges website. Not quite figuring out how to create an account? Then follow the steps below.
- Step 1.1: Create an eduID at
- Step 1.2: Fill out your personal e-mailadres (do not use your student email address).
- Step 1.3: You’ll receive a confirmation e-mail.
- Step 1.4: Open your mailbox and click the ‘confirm’ link in the email.
- Step 1.5: Click on the button and ‘Go to my eduID’.
- Step 1.6: A popup foll
- Stap 2.1: Open your email. Here you’ll find an new e-mail with the subject ‘Your eduID has been created’. Click in this email on the button ‘Go to my EduID’.
- Stap 2.2: Go to personal info, validate your first and last name.
- Stap 2.3: Click on the ‘Couple-button’ behind de option to couple with a trusted party.
- Stap 2.4: You’ll get a confirmation, press the button to continue on.
- Stap 2.5: On the SURFconect screen you select the right IDP (identity provider).
- Stap 2.6: You log in to your own institution.
- Stap 2.7: Click on Proceed to eduID Account Linking
- Stap 2.8: You’ll see your first and last name are validated and coupled.
- Stap 3.1: --> Open your backpack.
- Stap 3.2: You’ll get to see a screen to give permission to share your data.
- Stap 3.3: The first time you log in to your edubagdes backpack, approve of the terms of service.
- Stap 3.4: Your backpack should show your welcome badge.

Project Goals
The aim of the Edubadges project is firstly to establish a shared understanding of the application of Edubadges to award students and educational staff for the successful completion of a diverse set of activities within an Erasmus context. To do so, the project has developed an operational framework which, amongst other things, describes what type of activities qualify for badges.
Secondly, the project aims to establish processes within the university to facilitate the selective development of new badges and awardation of badges. To accomplish this, the project has developed supportive material for both processes. All faculties/organizational units that want to develop new badges do so by firstly appointing an Edubadges coordinator who assesses the request for the development of new badges.
The Edubadges project is a cooperative effort by EUR faculties, M&C, HR, Risbo and CLI.