Friends of EV

Erasmus Verbindt has various partners within Erasmus University and in Rotterdam; from Gemeente Rotterdam to various study associations.

  • Gemeente Rotterdam

    A city that challenges you every day and brings out the best in you belongs to a contemporary government that moves with the energy of the city. The city of Rotterdam wants to be such an organisation.

    Website Gemeente Rotterdam

    Logo van de Gemeente Rotterdam
  • Erasmus School of Philosophy (ESPhil)

    ESPhil is a leading research and teaching institution in the Netherlands. The faculty has a broad international orientation, with many international students and staff members and strong connections with universities abroad.

    Website ESPHIL

    Erasmus School of Philosophy logo
  • Erasmus Institute for Public Knowledge (EIPK)

    EIPK is an interdisciplinary research institute that seeks to foster and coordinate research on public issues and to forge links with extra-academic publics on these issues.

    Website EIPK

    EIPK logo
  • Erasmus MC 

    The Erasmus MC works on safe top care for patients with complex care needs, rare conditions or acute care needs. In addition, the hospital is working on distinctive top education that appeals to ambitious, curious and talented students and that fits in with the care and health issues of tomorrow.

    Website Erasmus MC

    The white EMC logo with dark and light blue letters reading Erasmus MC University Medical Center Rotterdam
  • Erasmus Sustainability Hub (ESH)

    The Erasmus Sustainability Hub is a collaborative effort of sustainable student initiatives based at Erasmus University Rotterdam. By creating a community that stimulates collaborative change through various actions, projects, and  initiatives, we aim to spread awareness and teach individuals to incorporate sustainability into their daily lives.

    Website ESH

  • Erasmus Initiatives

    The Erasmus Initiatives are three ambitious plans that streamline our academic activities to increase the social and economic impact of our work.

    Website Erasmus Initiatives

  • Rotterdam Vakmanstad

    Vakmanstad wants to enable children and young people to develop. They want to achieve this by developing educational programmes that challenge children and young people to expand their knowledge and improve skills.

    Website Vakmanstad

    Rotterdam Vakmanstad


  • International Faculty Association ACE (IFA ACE)

    ACE is the Faculty Association of the Erasmus School of History, Culture and Communication (ESHCC). Its main goals are to organise study-related activities for the ESHCC students, broadening the students’ perspectives and making them feel at home within our faculty.

    Website IFA ACE

  • Cedo Nulli

    Cedo Nulli is the study association of the Faculty of Social and Behavioral Sciences (Psychology, Public Administration, Sociology, Management of International Social Challenges and Pedagogical Sciences) at the Erasmus University Rotterdam.

    Website Cedo Nulli

  • Economic Faculty association Rotterdam (EFR)

    EFR is the oldest study association of Rotterdam. Founded in 1925, EFR has a longstanding relationship with the student life in Rotterdam. Each year, we organise various activities and events for students of the Erasmus School of Economics, as well as other students of the Erasmus University.

    Website EFR

    EFR Logo
  • Wijsgerige Faculteitsvereniging ERA

    ERA is the faculty association of the Erasmus School of Philosophy, founded in 1986. ERA organises activities for all people associated with the faculty, i.e. full-time, part-time, master's and double degree students, staff members and alumni.

    Website ERA

    ERA logo
  • Erasmus University College Student Association (EUCSA)

    This independent student-run association offers everything you are looking for in your student life; meet new friends in all cohorts, participate in fantastic events and join one of the many incredible committees. 

    Website EUCSA

    EUCSA logo

    FAECTOR is the official school association of Erasmus School of Economics and with over 1900 members we are the largest and most prestigious association for econometrics students worldwide. We enrich the student experience of all econometricians in the broadest sense of the word.

    Website FAECTOR

    Logo of the study association FAECTOR
  • Medische Faculteits Vereniging Rotterdam (MFVR)

    MFVR is the faculty association of and for students at Erasmus MC in Rotterdam. The association was founded on 10 April 1967 and now has approximately 2200 members.

    Website MFVR


    SHARE is the Faculty Association of the study ‘Health policy and management’ at the EUR. The aim of the association is to look after the interests of its members. We do this by offering all kinds of information and activities, providing contact between students and between them and the labour market.

    Website SHARE

    SHARE Studentenverening Logo
  • STAR

    STAR is the study association of Rotterdam School of Management, Erasmus University (RSM). With more than 6,500 members, STAR is Europe’s largest student ruled study association.

    Website STAR

    STAR logo

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