Research Integrity

Scientist talking

Within Erasmus University Rotterdam, everyone involved in education and research is responsible for maintaining our research integrity. Compliance with the general principles of a professional scientific approach is required at all times.

The Netherlands Code of Conduct for Research Integrity (2018) elaborates these principles, which are also recognised by the EUR and apply as guidelines for the university. This code of conduct defines five principles of research integrity, which guide researchers towards the right choices in all kinds of circumstances. The principles are:

  • Honesty
  • Scrupulousness
  • Transparency
  • Independence
  • Responsibility

Furthermore, the code of conduct gives definite form to these principles by drawing them out into 61 norms for good research practice, which are also leading norms at EUR. Besides the responsibilities for researchers, the code of conduct also defines five institutions' duties of care. These duties of care are being actively implemented at EUR in order to safeguard good research practices. The Netherlands Code of Conduct for Research Integrity (2018) replaces the Netherlands Code of Conduct for Academic Practice (2004). In case you suspect violation of research integrity, please have a look at the complaints procedure. 

Contact Persons Research Integrity

Below you can find more information about the different individuals responsible for research integrity at Erasmus University. 

The Research Integrity Confidential Advisor is the first contact point if you have any questions regarding the Code of Conduct for Research Integrity and any potential violation of research integrity.

You can exchange ideas in confidence with the Research Integrity Confidential Advisor. The Confidential Advisor will offer advice and can assist in any mediation or other attempts to resolve problems. The Confidential Advisor can also inform you about the procedure for submitting a complaint to the Scientific Integrity Committee.

EUR has two Confidential Advisors for scientific integrity, Erik Schut and Susanne Janssen.

  • Erik Schut is Professor of Health Economics & Health Policy at the Erasmus School of Health Policy and Management (ESHPM). His research focuses on the organisation and financing of health care and long-term care. He was a former director of research at ESHPM and participated in the EUR Taskforce Scientific Integrity.
  • Susanne Janssen is Professor of Sociology of Media and Culture and research director for Media and Communication at the Erasmus School of History, Culture and Communication (ESHCC) and a board member of the NWO Social Sciences and Humanities domain. Previously, she served as the founding chair of the Department of Media and Communication at Erasmus University. Her ongoing research focuses on the implications of increased diversity and digitalization in the media and cultural sectors, socio-cultural differences in media use and cultural participation, and the relationship between cultural participation and well-being.

Both Confidential Advisors can be contacted via the Confidential Advisor Secretary, Nick den Hollander: / +31 06 13628107. All contacts with the Confidential Advisors and the secretary will be handled in the strictest confidence.

If you suspect that a person who has or had a legal relationship with EUR has violated academic integrity, you can submit a complaint to the Committee Scientific Integrity. The committee then advises the Executive Board. You can contact the Committee Scientific Integrity via More information can be found on the website.

Nick den Hollander is Research Integrity Coordinator at Erasmus University. The responsibilities of the Coordinator revolve around promoting research integrity in general. 

The activities include the following:

  • research integrity training for academic staff and PhD students;
  • continuous administrative and managerial focus on research integrity;
  • infrastructure for data storage and data analysis;
  • reference check / plagiarism scan of dissertations (procedure);
  • ethical research consultancy.

Your suggestions for the further promotion of research integrity can be sent to:

Every faculty at EUR has a Faculty Research Integrity Coordinator. The responsibilities of the Faculty Coordinators include the following:

  • stimulating a culture of integrity, and ensuring regular attention for the subject;
  • stimulating awareness of the integrity code, and functioning as information point;
  • coordinating of activities on research integrity;
  • referring people to relevant officers or counselors in case of suspicion of violation of research integrity or misconduct.
FacultyResearch Integrity CoordinatorEmail
Erasmus School of EconomicsLinda van
Rotterdam School of ManagementChrysoula
Erasmus School of History, Culture and CommunicationIsabel
Erasmus School of Social and Behavioural SciencesFlora
International Institute of Social StudiesEva Broer
Erasmus School of LawAnnet van der
Erasmus MCAngela van
Erasmus School of PhilosophyFrans Willem
Erasmus School of Health Policy & ManagementBryan


Dilemma Game

Erasmus University Rotterdam has developed a dilemma game specifically focused on professionalism and integrity in research. The dilemma game ‘Professionalism and Integrity in Research’ has become part of the standard training in academic integrity for PhD students and researchers. The game brings to light many of the frequently occurring dilemmas and invites academic staff to discuss these among themselves. The dilemma game is available to all faculties, but there is also an online version.

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