Our unique profile enables us to make a difference in solving major social, economic and environmental challenges based on our forward-looking education and excellent academic research, and connecting knowledge to society. Have a look at the facts and figures of our university taken from the Annual Report 2021.
Workforce in numbers of employees
On the reference date 31 December 2021, a total of 3,885 people were employed by EUR. Compared to 31 December 2020 (3,687 people), this was an increase of 198 employees. The number of jobs expressed in full-time equivalents increased from 2,794.43 FTEs in 2020 to 2,840.71 FTEs in 2021. EUR had 2,172 female and 1,713 male employees on 31 December 2021. In percentage terms: 56 and 44 percent. The proportion of female professors in 2021 was 23 percent (Erasmus MC excluded); 68 of 290 professors.
Registered students
Which school had the most students in the academic year of 2021-2022? The most students at Erasmus University Rotterdam studied at the Rotterdam School of Management (8,072). The Erasmus School of Economics comes in second (7,634). Followed by the Erasmus School of Social and Behavioural Sciences in third place (5,768).
Annual report 2023
EUR At a Glance
General info about our education and research