EUR Holding BV has two independent Confidential Counsellors, drs. Mariëlle van Leeuwen and Debra Young.
drs. Mariëlle van Leeuwen

- Email address
Debra Young

- Email address
The Confidential Counsellor is the first point of contact for employees, students, contract partners and visitors of EUR Holding BV who have been affected by undesirable behaviour, such as sexual harassment, bullying, discrimination, aggression or violence. The Confidential Counsellor will give counselling, advice, and support to help resolve problems and conflicts, and if necessary help with the submission of a formal complaint. Where appropriate, the Confidential Counsellor can refer the person concerned to experts in the field of prevention and combatting of undesirable behaviour.
The Confidential Counsellor is impartial, and acts as a sounding board and intermediary between EUR Holding BV (and its subsidiaries) and employees, students, and contract partners. Confidentiality and anonymity will be maintained at the request of the relevant person insofar as this is permitted under the applicable legislation and regulations.