UNIC (European University of Post-Industrial Cities)

Three students talking with each other

Welcome to UNIC, the European University of Cities in Post-Industrial Transition! “European University” Alliances like UNIC are networks of higher education institutions in EU countries, and they work together for the benefit of students, teachers, researchers, citizens, and the societies they’re embedded in. UNIC universities – ten in total – collaborate closely to conduct engaged research, create communities of practice, and achieve positive societal impact.

A European University of the Future

UNIC - The European University of Cities in Post-Industrial Transition

Erasmus University Rotterdam plays a key coordinating role in UNIC and hosts the secretariat for the entire alliance. UNIC is a key strategic plank of EUR's Strategy 2024 - dedicated to creating positive societal impact, and jointly setting a European role model for university-city-research collaboration. 

UNIC’s member universities include:

  • University of Deusto, Bilbao, Spain
  • Ruhr University Bochum, Bochum, Germany
  • University College Cork, Cork, Ireland
  • Koç University, Istanbul, Turkey
  • University of Liège, Liège, Belgium
  • University of Oulu, Oulu, Finland
  • Erasmus University Rotterdam, Rotterdam, The Netherlands
  • University of Zagreb, Zagreb, Croatia
  • University of Lodz, Łódź, Poland
  • Malmö University, Malmö, Sweden



For Students: UNIC’S Education Opportunities

UNIC provides attractive education for a diverse population. Students at EUR can take joint programmes and choose courses from all UNIC universities. A virtual campus connecting UNIC universities is being developed for easy international mobility, and specialized master’s programs (such as RePIC: Redesigning the Post-Industrial City) are offered to EUR students.

We also organize frequent workshops, lectures, talks, and discussion panels. Learn more and get involved: 

UNIC Student Board

A group of diverse students are very focused and working on a project

For Researchers and Academics: UNIC Engaged Research

UNIC researchers tackle societal challenges through transnational, trans-disciplinary collaborations that involve and engage citizens, civil society, and public/city authorities in education, research, and innovation activities. Central to academic work at UNIC is the principle of Engaged Research, which offers an interdisciplinary approach and method for systematic knowledge production not only for society but also with and within society. UNIC has developed a comprehensive Engaged Research framework and support systems for involving and engaging citizens, civil society, and public/city authorities in research and innovation.  

Through the work of UNIC Thematic Lines, the UNIC Fund for Virtual and International Projects, and the UNIC Centre for City Futures, we support EUR academics while creating a truly European infrastructure for studying the questions and challenges of post-industrial cities.

UNIC for Engaged Research

Woman talks to a man with people in the background talking.

For Staff: Job Shadowing and Mobility

UNIC is committed to supporting and strengthening staff based at the EUR and all our alliance partners. We promote staff mobility opportunities and our models of practice.

Staff can benefit from our frequent workshops, virtual meeting platforms, “Teaching the Teachers” trainings (boosted by the forthcoming UNIC Teaching and Learning Center, and our Job Shadowing opportunities:

- UNIC Job Shadowing opportunities (coming soon)
- Teacher trainings and courses
- Subscribe to the UNIC Newsletter for Staff

View of Rotterdam from faraway, Erasmus Bridge visible.

Rotterdam and UNIC: CityLabs and Centre for City Futures

UNIC CityLabs brings science to the city and contributes to the resilience and renaissance of Europe’s post-industrial urban centres. They are physical and virtual meeting points where students, citizens, academia and city stakeholders work together to identify and solve societal challenges faced by post-industrial superdiverse cities.

From climate adaptation, culture and cultural heritage, and digital transitions to strategic planning and housing, and inclusion of migrants and refugees: we work closely with city representatives and citizens in Rotterdam to develop pathways forward through rigorous Engaged Research:

- UNIC Centre for City Futures


UNIC’s executive office is located at the EUR, and a bulk of the alliance’s coordination and ideation is led from within the university. The UNIC team at EUR includes:

  • Prof. Dr. Semiha Denktaş, Alliance Coordinator
  • Daria Ratsiborinskaya, UNIC Secretary General 
  • Gwen de Bruin, UNIC Coordinator at EUR
  • Grace Yano, Program Manager UNIC Executive Office
  • Marco Aperti, Program Manager UNIC Executive Office
  • Yara van Holten, UNIC Project Manager
  • Esther Eumann, Project Manager
  • Krish Raghav, UNIC Communications Officer
  • Marta Martin Fortuny, Student Representative
  • Enrico de Bruijn, Student Representative


The UNIC student board is the beating heart of our European University. Get in touch with UNIC student representatives at the EUR to get involved!

  • Marta Martin Fortuny, Student Representative
  • Enrico de Bruijn, Student Representative


UNIC organizes frequent talks, workshops, virtual meeting platforms and panel discussions. Follow us on social media to keep up to date, or get in touch to help organize an event yourself!

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