Erasmus University is an internationally oriented, research-intensive university aiming to create positive societal impact with her education, research, and engagement activities. What does that mean for our students, teachers, and our partners outside the university? We discussed that topic with a wide representation of students and staff members in liaison with some of our stakeholders in 2022 and 2023.
The outcome of three dialogues and the commitment of all our schools to our shared ambitions, are captured in our newest educational vision. This vision will fuel the way we will develop education at Erasmus University in the coming years. The document ‘Educational Vision’ guides you through our main ideas.
Our educational vision serves as a framework for all schools, explicitly leaving room of course to make school specific choices. The Community for Learning and Innovation is the place where teachers and staff members meet to exchange ideas about the implementation and to support teaching staff. On the online Student Welfare Platform you can find more information about current developments on this topic.
On the website of the project team Impact at the Core, you can find examples on impact driven education.