Study programmes of Erasmus University Rotterdam in rankings

ESHPM Research

Many global rankings take the research and reputation of universities into account. Oftentimes, specific programmes and student satisfaction is also one of the studied factors. Read more about the way bachelor and master programmes of Erasmus University Rotterdam are valued in the QS Ranking and the Times Higher Education Ranking, two well-known global rankings.

EUR in the Times Higher Education ranking

#4 in the Netherlands, # 72 worldwide

The Times Higher Education World University Ranking (THE) annually publishes a ranking of the best universities in the world. THE views many aspects of the university: education, research, citations of researchers and the international orientation. The ranking is based on a study of the reputation of international academics. THE also knows subject rankings, which focus on eight scientific disciplines.

In THE Young University Rankings 2022, Erasmus University Rotterdam is ranked number 1 in the Netherlands and number 4 worldwide.

Overview Bachelor programmes

Students working together

Overview Master programmes

Woman talks to a man with people in the background talking.

Rankings: a restricted perspective

Are you using rankings in the process of choosing your study programme? They can definitely be useful, however, it is important to keep in mind that no ranking is completely objective and comprehensive. While some rankings measure multiple aspects, some of them only measure a single indicator. Also, rankings present a global image, while the diversity amongst the Dutch universities is what defines their qualities. Furthermore, rankings tend to change their methodology, which makes comparing the results of multiple years a bit difficult. You can read more about the pros and cons of rankings in this factsheet of the Rathenau Institute.

The international community here is huge, which makes one feel at home instantly.
Image Jana Vondrackova

Erasmus University Rotterdam in other rankings

Erasmus University Rotterdam scores very well in other rankings as well. We are for instance in the top 100 (#80) of the National Taiwan University (NTU) Ranking. Also, according to this ranking, we are the fourth best university of the Netherlands (together with the University of Groningen). In the field ranking of the NTU, Erasmus University Rotterdam is valued for the disciplines 'clinical medicine' (#26 worldwide) and 'social sciences (#23 worldwide).

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