Researcher profielen

  • prof.dr. (Eveline) EAM Crone

    Prof. Eveline Crone is full professor in Developmental Neuroscience in Society and she leads the SYNC lab (Society, Youth and Neuroscience Connected). The…
    prof.dr. (Eveline) EAM Crone
  • (Bo) BJ Crooijmans

    (Bo) BJ Crooijmans
  • dr. (Graham) GA Cross

    dr. (Graham) GA Cross
  • dr. (Benoit) BSY Crutzen

    Political economy, organisational politics and economics
    dr. (Benoit) BSY Crutzen
  • (John) JM Cruzatti Constantine

    I focus on the use of geo-spatial data to assess, at fine levels of geographic resolution, the impact on development (e.g. economic activity, health, beliefs)…
    (John) JM Cruzatti Constantine
  • (Ildiko) IE Csizmazia

    (Ildiko) IE Csizmazia
  • (Maria Ines) MI Cubides Kovacsics, MA

    I have a particular interest in gender and sexuality, youth, security, and in research methodologies, epistemic justice, participation and decolonial practices…
    (Maria Ines) MI Cubides Kovacsics, MA
  • mr. (Ivonne) I Cune - Noten

    mr. (Ivonne) I Cune - Noten
  • (Rodolfo) R Cunha Carnier

    (Rodolfo) R Cunha Carnier
  • dr. (Daniel) DR Curtis

    I am now finishing a project funded by the NWO VIDI (800,000 euro), which goes by the title "Positively Shocking! The Redistributive Impact of Mass Mortality…
    dr. (Daniel) DR Curtis

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