dr. M (Michiel) van Crombrugge


Michiel Van Crombrugge is Associate Professor of Market Insights and Innovation at the Erasmus School of Economics at Erasmus University Rotterdam. He earned a PhD in Business Economics from KU Leuven. His research lies at the intersection of marketing, innovation, and economics, and focuses on multichannel retailing, platform markets and network effects. In his retailing research, Michiel uses econometric models to study the drivers and market impact of retailers’ and manufacturers’ transactional channels. In his platform market research, Michiel studies the market outcomes of platform- and seller-level managerial strategies and individual consumer behavior. His research has been published in leading business journal such as the Journal of Marketing, the Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, and the International Journal of Research in Marketing. At the Erasmus School of Economics, Michiel teaches courses on empirical marketing and marketing analytics.

Erasmus School of Economics

Associate professor | Marketing


Marketing Analytics and Data Visualisati

Course Code

Empirical Marketing

Course Code

News regarding dr. M (Michiel) van Crombrugge

Het belang van multichannel retailing

Michiel van Crombrugge, universitair docent aan Erasmus School of Economics, behandelt het belang van multichannel retailing.

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