prof.dr. EAM (Eveline) Crone


Prof. Eveline Crone is full professor in Developmental Neuroscience in Society and she leads the SYNC lab (Society, Youth and Neuroscience Connected). The website of the SYNC lab can be found here:

Research Program

Prof. Crone's research examines the psychological and neural processes involved in self-regulation and social development. All of her work employs a developmental cognitive neuroscience approach to examine the relation between brain development and changes in psychological processes from birth to adulthood, with a special focus on adolescence. One of her special interests involves enrichment of cognitive and social experiences of children and adolescents using longitudinal, training and intervention designs. Eveline and the members of her research group regularly publish in leading international journals. Besides her mission to do innovative and excellent scientific research, her lab invests in the contribution and translation of scientific findings to society. 


For her PhD research, she received both the J. C. Ruigrok Prize and the Junior Heymans Award in 2008. In 2009 she received the Huibregtsen Prize for Science and Society from the minister of education. In 2011 she received the Early Career Award of the Society for Psychophysiological Research in Boston (USA). In Janauri 2017 she received the Ammodo KNAW award, and in December 2017 the KNAW Hendrik Muller Award for contributions to the social sciences. Eveline has been awarded several prestigious research grants, including a VENI, VIDI and VICI grant by the Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research (NWO) and two grants by the European Research Council (ERC), namely a Starting Grant in 2010 and a Consolidator Grant in 2016. In September 2017, Eveline received the Spinoza award for her research on the adolescent brain. The Spinoza award is the highest recognition in Dutch Science.

From Science to Society

In addition to her scientific work, Eveline has been successfully communicating her findings to the general public. In 2018 she published the revision of the Dutch book “Het puberende brein” for a wide audience, of which over 100,000 copies have been sold. The book has been translated into six languages. In this book, Eveline Crone explains the influence of brain development on learning, risk-taking and the social relations and friendships of adolescents. For youth she developed the website Kijk in je brein ( This website has been developed in collaboration with experts in youth communication. It provides youth with information for various school projects and presentations. Members of Eveline's research group also provide information for teachers and youth workers in workshops and presentations. In January 2016, Eveline presented the film “Braintime: Discovering the developing brain”, in collaboration with documentary producer Erik Heuvelink. The film is the result of a five-year project, in which youth participating in the longitudinal Braintime project were interviewed repeatedly. The researchers were interviewed as well and the results are discussed. The newspaper NRC called this film a possible new trend in science communication.


Prof. Eveline Crone obtained her master’s degree in developmental psychology from the University of Amsterdam, based on a one-year research internship at the University of Pittsburgh. She received her PhD, cum laude, from the University of Amsterdam; her dissertation is entitled:  Performance monitoring and decision-making: Psychophysiological and developmental analyses. After her PhD, she spent 2 years as a postdoctoral researcher at UC Davis. In 2005 she came to Leiden University, where she set up the Brain and Development Lab. She was appointed full professor on March 15, 2009. In 2013 she has been a member of the Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences (KNAW) and in 2017 she joined the Scientific Council of the European Resa

Erasmus School of Social and Behavioural Sciences

Full professor | Developmental Neuroscience in Society


  • SW (Suzanne) van de Groep, EAM (Eveline) Crone, LW (Lysanne) te Brinke, KH (Kayla) Green, LWP (Renske) van der Cruijsen & FQ (Fabienne) van Rossenberg (2022) - NWA Science Communication Grant: Youth participation as a way to deal with a triple crisis
  • SW (Suzanne) van de Groep, EAM (Eveline) Crone & LWP (Renske) van der Cruijsen (2020) - Financial Impulse NWA Jongerenchallenge


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september 2022
End date approval
september 2025
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september 2022
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september 2022
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december 2023
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december 2026
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End date approval
december 2026

News regarding prof.dr. EAM (Eveline) Crone

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