dr. SMR (Simone) Driessen


Simone Driessen is an assistant professor in Media & Popular Culture in the Arts & Culture Department of Erasmus University Rotterdam. Before, she worked as a senior lecturer in the Media and Communication Department. As a researcher she is interested in topics at the intersection of media and popular culture. As a lecturer she is involved in several courses in the Arts & Culture program(s), and supervises theses.

In June 2017, Simone obtained her PhD from the Erasmus Research Centre for Media, Communication and Culture (ERMeCC). Her PhD-project examined the affordances of mainstream popular music in the everyday life of ageing audiences (e.g., exploring why fans remain fan of a band like boy band Backstreet Boys over time). In addition to researching why fans remain fans over time, Simone is currently examinig why fans discontinue their fandom (e.g. after a controversial moment or the cancellation of an artist). 

Furthermore, Simone is involved as a researcher in two Horizon projects  (Inspiring and Anchoring Trust in Science, and COALESCE, which works towards a European center on science communication) on science communication, particularly popular, digital science communication.

Erasmus School of History, Culture and Communication

Assistant professor | Department of Arts and Culture Studies


  • Simone Driessen (2 november 2023) - Dit is waarom we willen weten wat bekende mensen vinden van zaken als de oorlog tussen Israël en Hamas
  • Simone Driessen (30 september 2023) - Joe Jonas, Sophie Turner and the shifting dynamics of the celebrity divorce industrial complex
  • Simone Driessen (28 september 2023) - Dus jij dacht dat niemand hier nog naar luisterde?
  • Simone Driessen (28 september 2023) - Gecanceld als artiest? Dit gebeurt er dan op de Nederlandse radio
  • Simone Driessen (27 september 2023) - #SpeakUpNow: “I want Taylor Swift to do better”: Reflecting on a reactionary moment in a fandom
  • Simone Driessen (18 september 2023) - Russel Brand’s controverse: waarom blijven zijn fans hem geloven?
  • Simone Driessen (26 juli 2023) - Kritiek op 'anti-mannenfilm' Barbie legt volgens mediawetenschapper vinger op zere plek: 'Kan juist les zijn voor maatschappij'
  • Simone Driessen (7 juli 2023) - Wel of niet naar Rammstein?
  • Simone Driessen (1 juli 2023) - De aantrekkingskracht van Rammstein. Mika (16) uit Assen: 'Als fan wil je backstage'
  • Simone Driessen (25 juni 2023) - 'Wat toen kon, kan nu niet meer'

  • Charlotte Bruns, Simone Driessen & Jason Pridmore (2024) - Science speaks pop: leveraging popular culture for effective science communication (Speaker)
    Activiteit: Oral presentation Academic
  • Simone Driessen (2022) - Insights into music fandom across the life course (Speaker)
    Activiteit: Invited talk Academic
  • Simone Driessen (2022) - De relatie tussen fan en idool (Speaker)
    Activiteit: Invited talk Popular
  • Simone Driessen (2022) - Cancel Culture, how to deal with it? (Speaker)
    Activiteit: Invited talk Professional
  • SMR (Simone) Driessen (2022) - Why are fans loyal anyway? (Speaker)
    Activiteit: Invited talk Professional
  • SMR (Simone) Driessen (2021) - Cancel culture (Speaker)
    Activiteit: Invited talk Professional
  • Simone Driessen (2020) - 'Good Fan, Bad Fan?' On politics, appropriateness, and toxicity (Speaker)
    Activiteit: Oral presentation Academic
  • Simone Driessen (2018) - De Grote Roddelshow - Dit was 2018! (Speaker)
    Activiteit: Oral presentation Popular
  • Simone Driessen (2018) - Our fascination with Flawed Celebrities (Speaker)
    Activiteit: Oral presentation Popular
  • Simone Driessen (2017) - Waarom je levenslang fan kunt zijn van de Backstreet Boys (Speaker)
    Activiteit: Oral presentation Popular

  • Simone Driessen (2018) - ICA top paper award Popular Communication Division
  • Simone Driessen (2014) - DAME: Dean’s Award for Multidisciplinary Excellence

Cultural & Media Studies

Year Level
BA-2, BA-2, BA-3, BA-3
Course Code

Master Thesis

Year Level
Course Code

Arts, Culture and Media

Year Level
BA-1, BA-1
Course Code


Year Level
BA-2, BA-2
Course Code

News regarding dr. SMR (Simone) Driessen

Simone Driessen over cancelcultuur in podcast Universiteit van Nederland

In de nieuwste aflevering van de podcast van de Universiteit van Nederland duikt mediawetenschapper Simone Driessen in cancelcultuur.
Marco Borsato

Brat summer was dé trend deze zomer. Maar wat betekent het precies?

ESHCC-wetenschappers Julian Schaap en Simone Driessen geven in de Volkskrant uitleg over de brat summer trend.
Brat green

De magie van Taylor Swift ontrafeld

Taylor Swift treedt drie avonden op in een uitverkochte ArenA. Onderzoeker Simone Driessen belicht haar unieke aantrekkingskracht en de loyaliteit van Swifties.
Taylor Swift tijdens een concert in het Wembley Stadium, als onderdeel van haar Eras Tour.

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