
2535 resultaten in het Nederlands in Erasmus School of Social and Behavioural Sciences.


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  • (Malika) M Igalla, MSc

  • dr. (Vincent) VMF Homburg

    Vincent Homburg is Associate Professor in Public Administration at Erasmus University Rotterdam and ERA Chair "e-Governance and Digital Public Services" at the…
  • dr. (Jennifer) JA Holland

    Jennifer A. Holland is Assistant Professor of Social Science Research Methods at Erasmus University Rotterdam. Jennifer A. Holland joined the Faculty of Social…
  • prof.dr. (Markus) M Haverland

    Markus Haverland holds the chair in Political Science at the Department of Public Administration and Sociology, Erasmus School of Social and Behavioural…
  • dr. (Wim) WA Hafkamp

  • prof.dr. (Harry) H Geerlings

    Harry Geerlings is professor in the Governance of Sustainable Mobility at the Department of Public Administration and Sociology of the Erasmus University…
  • prof.dr. (Catharina) CM Fokkema

    See personal page at NIDI      
  • dr.ir. (Jasper) J Eshuis

    Jasper Eshuis is Associate Professor of Public Administration at Erasmus University Rotterdam. Jasper Eshuis graduated from Wageningen University, where he also…
  • prof.dr. (Godfried) GBM Engbersen

    Voor mediavragen en optredens kunt u contact opnemen met Marjolein Kooistra, communicatie ESSB, kooistra@essb.eur.nl  +31 (0) 6 83676038. Rechtstreekse…
  • prof.dr. (Jurian) J Edelenbos

    Jurian Edelenbos is professor of interactive urban governance and academic director of the Erasmus Initiative Vital Cities and Citizens. Jurian Edelenbos has…

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